Hey. OK - I need a new sig. Mine is LAME.
However - SRS Performance Engineering IS the company who helped me build my car. I want to keep them in there somewhere.
I would like it to be simple.
A few things I MUST have in there.
1. The name "SRS Performance Engineering"
2. My car
Can someone come up with this? Carbon fiber theme is what I would LOVE.
That is the current SRS Logo
And that is my car!
Have fun with it guys! =) If you need bigger pics - PM me because for some reason, that is the only size it will let me upload.
Get better pics of the car and i'll work on something.
That's about the best I have Hor.
Can you take others? Google any car you want and look at the pics and how they're taken (angle of car, wheel placement, car not cutoff, background around it, etc) and see if you can take some better shots. No offense, just trying to help you get some better pics. The better the pics, the better the sig! Also, higher res images are always a plus.
I can take pics all day long, but they are going to suck. My camera is like 9 years old. (I think my Droid has more mega-pixels)
I am really not looking for anything fantastic, just something better than what I have now. Can someone work with what I gave them? Pleeeeeeeeease?
I think my new one will work just fine. Thanks for those who offered help tho!
perhaps resize? that was the smallest i could get without distortion. I just used photobucket's features however, so perhaps photoshop would do better?
wOOt! I got someone to resize it for me, It fits inside all the requirements now. Thanks for the input!