But isn't the main attraction of your car the front because of the swap job you did? I don't see any pic that really is showing that, except the one, which is okay. I'm bored, so I can play with it and see what I can come up with. I love to play with pics.
LoL!!! Soooo, you said you like green and black...Well, here you go! Green and black!!!
I was actually just having fun with that one...I can make a bigger one though since you gave me a size dimension...Your pic gets saved a small file on my computer, so it makes it kinda hard to work with...BUT, I got some idears!!! I'll play around some more!!! Ah, these pics give me more to work with as well! I like the one of the evil eyes in the dark, however, not quite sure what I can do with that, but maybe some fun cut and paste, layer s**t...Cool beans!!! Do YOU have any kind of idea as to maybe what you want, like artsy or more plain?
Not really I just like to see what you can do I like plain and simple but if you have ideas go for em. And I would like to keep some green and black in there somewhere. Search scott8989 on photobucket and you should find more pics
And thanks for taking the time to help me out

Alright sweet deal. And that will $50/hr for my time. lol, sike just kidding!

The pleasure is mine cause this is a passion for me, editing photos. Gives me the challenge to see what I can actually do as well! Although, I might be creating a steam engine in the room while brainstorming idears. lol. I'll try to do a lil bit of both, plain and then some artsy. If I don't get it done today, then I'll work on it over the weekend seems how I will be stuck inside the whole weekend probably. Okay, I'll check out your photobucket then.
One thing lets def. change is your name font cause you took the word furious, which should look kind of mean or mad and made it too jolly with that font. lol. It says, "Hey, I'm gayly happy and dancing around-> Basically, it's girly looking. lol. I know some sites you can download some sick fonts from.
I actually went thru your photobucket pics today...I have an idear! Hope you like it...I was swamped at work today, so I didn't get to really do anything, but hopefully tomorrow! I am using the newest CS...It's a free trial software I DL'd to see how I like it...I won't brag about my work, but I have done some pretty sweet photo jobs...
ive been trying to figure out my d40 and cs3 still lol. i had cs4 but i didnt think it was very user friendly lol. it was like goin from xp to vista lol. cant wait to see your ideas.
Haha yeah...I still can't figure out everything in my camera either, but I just play with settings...You can probably DL the manual somewhere online for your camera...I tried CS4 and I haven't figured it out...Honestly, I like my Photoshop 7.0!!! lol...It's simple for us simple folk! I'm getting yelled at by my cat because I'm writing this post and not paying attention to her...lol...This computer that I'm on now has windows Vista...I've heard some bad reviews on it and I still prefer my windows XP...I don't think my Photoshop 7.0 would work with Vista...Def. not user friendly...
Alright, so I stayed in last night and jammed out to some tunes while working on some pics for you and drinking as well...I did them on another computer though, so it seems the monitor settings are different on my computer than this one...Do the pics look really dark to you as well? If so, let me know and I'll try to lighten them up or something...Some of them, I just did cause I loved the background pics and thought you would just enjoy the pic as it was, not exactly for a sig pic...I get carried away at times...lol...I have an idear for a sig pic, but I haven't quite figured out what background to put in there yet or how to arrange it...How big is the actual pic file for these pics? I'm trying to work with them at a bigger size, but like I said, they get saved as a small photo size from photobucket, which makes it hard to keep some of them a high res pic...Maybe you could email me some of the photos...
Photobucket is being a douche! It keeps freezing up my internet is starting to piss me off...BUT, I think I FINALLY got it to work...I'm going to take up some pages here downloading these...lol...I realized I was uploading the pics as a smaller file size, so I changed my setting to upload to 600x800...Hopefully it will and the pic is bigger...Just lemme know...
I love the background on this one and the fact you have a pic with your car lights on was PEEERFECT!!!
This one would be cool as a sig if you like the artsy fartsy background.
I really like the background on this one, but I honestly wasn't sure what I was doing. I wish I could remember how to cut part of a pic out and wrap it around and object. I have an idea to take a pic of a chic and fade it onto the hood of your car, but I can't quite figure out how to go about doing that so that the girl actually forms onto the shape of the hood....I know how to use Coral and do that though...But I don't have that program anymore...lol
This background is just awesome! Reminds me of a fav. song of mine, the tone of the pic and stuff. Think you can find the song? I blended the song title into the pic.

It's near your car. But it's super tiny. lol. Gotta zoom in to see it.
And this is just so d*mn cute but is way off topic, but I wanted to post it anyhow....lol
that is so damn cute lol almost as cute as my new kitten
i tried to resize them to 500x200 and photoshop kept bringing them up way to tiny i couldnt even resize them. anyway you could do it?
Soooo....I take it you liked one of them at least??? No feedback??? lol...Hmmm, okay...I'll try to resize them as close as I can get to that file size...I can't do it at the moment cause I don't feel like running back upstairs and then downstairs...But I'll repost them tomorrow then for you...I'm surprised Photoshop was being ratarded like that to you...
Dude, NO WAY is your kitten cuter than a tiger cub!!!! lol...I LOVE tiger cubs and bob cat cubs...Ooooooh and wolf cubs!!! Ever see a baby wolf!?!? They are SOOOOO FREAKIN cute!!! One of my fav animals!!!
i like the artsy ones lol. the last three were the best i think. and yes my kitten is amazing. i love baby panadas as well.
see kitten
Awwwww! Yes, your kitten is VERY cute! Sucks though cause they grow up so fast. My buddy's kitten looked EXACTLY like yours but now he's a big rugrat brat cat. lol. I SO AGREE!!! Pandas, especially the babies ARE SO CUTE! I love bears and the Panda is my fav. bear.
Here you go!
And tell me THIS isn't cute! I forget what kind of panda's these are.
Thanks for the feedback too. I love the last 3 as well. I'm an artsy kind of person!!! See, you'll be different with these sig!.

Alright, I'll go resize them now. BRB
ok so i fixed photoshop and im back in business lol
totally im making some and will have the one you made on here by tonight
Which one you posting that I made?