Was hoping someone can chop me a pic of what my talon would look like with these window banners.
The car:
Just a plain black drop banner from the top of the window to right below the rear veiw mirror base (black spot in the middle of the window). And then this banner
http://jmdecals.com/store/images/uploads/builtbought_outline.jpg down by the wiper blades.
I can email a bigger pic if you guys want.
Thanks guys!
send me a bigger pic of the banner and ill do it for you Ryan
i emailed it to yea steve
Do u have a picture of the linked banner without the site writing behind it?
lol beat you to it cuz hes the one with the decals haha im not 100% set on it yet. i dunno doesn't look right to me. Can you maybe make it bigger and maybe turn it black. Heres a long shot lol Black lettering with a metallic red boarder
Ryan Shissler wrote:lol beat you to it cuz hes the one with the decals haha im not 100% set on it yet. i dunno doesn't look right to me. Can you maybe make it bigger and maybe turn it black. Heres a long shot lol Black lettering with a metallic red boarder
I don't carry any metallic red vinyl Ryan. I don't have the editable file with your car on it since i thought that would be what you wanted.