I was wondering if anyone would be willing to change the polished lip on these rims to a red metallic. This is the biggest pics i could find of them. its a weird lip but itheres a black strip thats right in the middle of the outside lip. i just wnat the polished part red. Thanks!
rsv's! was gonna be my first choice in wheels.
WiGM-Tuners member.
yea i picked them up for my sunfire but now im gonna throw them on my talon.
can u find a set on a different colored background??
the lip blends in too much with the white background
i'll see if i can get a good pic of mine on a black background later on
had to much make the outside myself, couldnt get much detail from the wheel with how bright of a white it was so i just painted over it.... and i cant do a circle for @!#$ lol
well heres at least something for ya
Eat my shift
do that ryan and ill do a better chop for you so it looks a little more real than m2's lol
p.s. m2 wats with the blah work?? normally yours are much better... rushing a little??
yeah i tried to get it done before leaving for work lol
and thankyou for the compliment steve
Eat my shift
haha no problem.. i know who is better than me =) lol
hey i did this today while i was in class.
sociology is boring so i might as well get something done, hahah
hope ya like
Eat my shift
haha much better work m2 lolz