I'm not going to look around for you but i will do the chop if you can get a straight on pic for both the car and the rim... it makes it a lot easier and faster
did it kinda quick but not bad overall
Eat my shift
Jeff Gee wrote:![](http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/photos-ak-snc1/v2288/50/125/511994072/n511994072_2165512_8627.jpg)
how about that pic?
i think hes calling you out steve lol
Eat my shift
btw guys im goin 19in wheel so
haha ok im doing one for you right now =)
cuz i wanna compare my work to m2's lol
that needs some work! lol
lol it was a 10 minute chop... im not gunna spend hours on it making it perfect lol