I'm redoing my tails and I want to figure out what it will look like. I need a lot of combinations done to figure out what looks best though.
I need the bow tie chopped in every one like this and painted black. As well as the chrome trim removed.. I'm doing it like this no matter what.
@!#$ meant to click preview to check photo size..
Something like that. But with each taillight tinted pretty dark.
And finally something like this. Only with tint where the red is.
i say go with the 95-02 cav trunk lid
I'm not buying a whole new trunk. Don't bother trying to convince me.
Mine trunk lid was only $30.
cf bezel and toyos be done with it
paint it pink. mad tyght jdm yo.
WiGM-Tuners member.
^ ha winter beater with wheels FTW
AFTER - Did a bunch of things besides what you asked for cuz I thought it would look good
what?? tyler not paying attention to his own thread??