Im trying to make the headlights look like they are on, but something seems off to me.. the headlights just dont seem real.. any suggestions to improve them? I've been tweaking them for a while and trying different things but I just dont seem to be able to get it..
Any suggestions are appreciated..
i think it looks great... but maybe its just me?
looks pretty good, kind of like FORZA headlights with the blur. maybe if you could centralize the actual light beam, and then blur it. it may look a little more realistic.
other than that it looks fine, and im sorry but i can see it in my head, but have no clue on how to put it to use.
Here's a suggestion. Go to where you took that picture, wait until the sun is approximately in the same position, turn on your headlights, and take a new picture
Easy xD
Seriously though, they look pretty good to me.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Tuesday, April 08, 2008 8:50 AM
Go.Stop (Ron Carvalho) wrote:Here's a suggestion. Go to where you took that picture, wait until the sun is approximately in the same position, turn on your headlights, and take a new picture 
Easy xD
Seriously though, they look pretty good to me.
i see one thing that makes it look fake... the roof (im guessing thats what it is) in the background, just to the right of the pass. headlight... when you were "brightening" the area up it made the roof brighter as well... and that would be IMPOSSIBLE! hahaha so i would undo that part. i havent played with creating lights so im not sure what to really tell you how or what to do.. maybe make the deam more transparent and less centralized?
care to post the orig. pic? some make take a stab at it for ya
whats up man, havnt seen you around lately.
you could use a white lens flare (kinda like you have), and then go to filter>render>lighting effects, and mess around with the settings there and adjust the darkness of the background, etc. the way you got it looks pretty good though, maybe you could try putting more of a white blur in there to make it look like theres more light
Tha Prowler - I haven't been on much.
Thanks for the comments guys. I worked on it for a bit again tonight and updated the image with the most recent result. I messed with the light/dark values of the light and the image itself, and i also added a bit more blur as per your suggestion Prowler. Godspeed, I think I fixed the glow on the building in the background. How I attempted that was by drawing some lighting effects coming off the headlight representing a beam that you might see if there was some humidity in the air. I tried to make it really subtle though so it doesnt overpower the rest of the picture. I'm not sure if I did a good job with it or not, i'll let you guys judge. Another change is that I added a slight taillight glow to the back of the car.
Here is a comparisson with the original:
C&C welcome, I appreciate the comments thus far. I havent really worked with this style of lighting effects before, its actually kind of fun.
Go.Stop (Ron Carvalho) wrote:Here's a suggestion. Go to where you took that picture, wait until the sun is approximately in the same position, turn on your headlights, and take a new picture 
Easy xD
Seriously though, they look pretty good to me.
That wouldn't be nearly as fun as doing it in photoshop
looks pretty good..only thing i'd do is mask off the hood area before applying the lighting so you dont brighten the hood at all.
14.82 @ 97 mph