my attempt

click sig for my car audio videos
not bad at all, thanks man. any opinions on these wheels?
Those will look sooooOoOo HOT. GET EM'!
I'm gonna do what i can to make sure i'm rollin on these this summer haha. i'm waiting on an email back right now from someone selling them.
did anyone else have an attempt at this chop?
dont even worry about it. this is what you need to do.
1. get the wheels
2. take pics
3. post pics
4. enjoy
haha ya know what... sounds like a great plan. i'll do my best
well here is another wheel that he was thinking about getting, so i made a quick chop. i personally like these wheels better...
( please ignore my crappy chop skills )
the adr cypher:
wow, that looks amazing man. thanks
I think you should go for it, definetly an eye pleaser.
FIRE2HOT . wrote:I think you should go for it, definetly an eye pleaser. 
its happening for sure, they are getting ordered within the next week or 2. but in black. it looks like you used gun metal in your chop. still love how it looks, but i think black will look better.
here's my turn at a chop
but I know i've seen those adr's around here somehere (someone's pix) and there are also other knock offs that are very similar to it. regardless, its a nice choice in wheel.

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
viper are those the adr battle exe's? i was looking at those for the longest time (in black) and then i decided i want the cyphers last week. they are both sweet if you ask me, but i was iffy about the double spoke look. yours doesnt look bad at all. those 18s?
i cant wait to get mine
thanks for the input guys
yes they are 18's (even though in this picture the background and brakes make them look like 19's). good size to pick
and they're not battle exe's, they're exel DL46's in hyperblack. i also seriously considered the battle exe's (before I even found the exel's), EXCEPT that from certain angles, the rims look a little "soft" in terms of the roundness of some of the edges. the DL46's had a few sharper edges in its design which gave it a more bold look.
and split 5 spoke is the way to go

- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
Theyre black.. but the donor car i got them off, was not a very high quality picture, so they just look gunmetal
i ordered the cyphers today

i think they are gonna look nice. summer isn't gonna come soon enough
I know how you feel man.. i got my MSR's ready to go, wrapped in new rubber. can't wait for nice weather!!