well my friend did this for me and i must say it turned out pretty good
and here is the pic it came from
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, April 30, 2007 5:03 PM
what... no one finds me sexy tooned lol
Ha... and I thought I was one of the only people whose goatee was an entirely different color than my hair. I've got brown hair, red goatee, and blonde moustache. I'm told it's because I'm half-Dutch.
Seriously though -- the toon makes it look like a baby shat on your chin.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Wednesday, May 02, 2007 10:48 AM

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
Geeky wrote:Seriously though -- the toon makes it look like a baby shat on your chin. 
you just made me snort out loud in class. this is the last time i look at JBO during philosophy!!
but i am not that mean.. lol
i think for pain and suffering you should hook me up with a new engine for my car LOL
Engine troubles? A little too much boost, maybe?

Well I can't say I have any of them lying around. I can only hope that my "ol reliable" 2.2 OHV doesn't crap out for a few more years.

Shop Manuals, Brochures:
lol sadly car nto boosted (nick is from my old GSX) but got one hell of a rod knock