What Photoshop program do I need to get to change cars around?? I went to best buy and circuit city, alls they got is Elements which didn't look like it would do. Little help??
What you would want to look for is Adobe Photoshop CS2. Cs2 is the lastest non beta release i believe. If you are looking to buy this program then you are looking to spend a pretty penny on it, probably around 5-600 dollars.
Damn, anything cheaper that still looks good?? different brand or anything??
You could always go with paint shop pro... I belive its by corel.
2004 Turbo cavalier 11PSI and blown!
I use ELEMENTS, so what are you looking to do, that you can?
Someone told me they saw a package deal at best buy, photoshop and premiere for about $150. I know photoshop alone is about $500 so I'm guessing it's a VERY basic version. Probably no filters or anything. Gonna try and check it out after work tonite.