I know its asking alot but Im not creative enuff to do it so if anyone can help please do. If its uber sweet i can send some paypal money your way
My new shop is called "Lanspeed Motorsports" yes LANspeed
. We need a nice logo for our web site and building and all props will go to the makers I assure you.
Im open for anything as I have no idea what to use. We will be working mostly with GM LSx engines and cars but will open up to many others.
Can anyone help a fella out?
Here are a couple ideas that I came up with for you. Let me know if you want anything changed or added.
Anyway here they are:
Lookin great so far. Keep them comming so I have a challenge desiding
Also maybe something that will be easy to transfer into a decal so we can have banners and such.
I dunno some ideas I had...I'll do more at school tomorrow when I can get more fonts, I'm at work now so fonts are very limited
Oh yeah I can add color if you want I just usually do everything in black and white first because if it doesn't look good in b&w then its not the best logo because sometimes you need it printed in b&w...sorry if I didn't make sense...and I'M NOT A MAN
Couple more before I head home from work...I'll make more tomorrow probably I have like a 4 hour break between two of my classes...ugh...
hope you like some...tell me anything you want changed
Aaron, its good to see you starting up a business!
lets see if u like this one..
I realy do like that man
Im thinking we have decided on this one
. But we are gonna have to have aversion for banners and such.
You need to have a windshield banner friendly version also... I don't think all those dots in the word "motorsports" will work... I'll totally rock the windshield banner for you even though I'm moving to FL!
JBOK Represent!