Hey i really need someone to help me out i was just wondering if ne one can take this pic and put some black rims i dont care wat kind watever u think looks good 17's in size and then put a carbon fiber hood on there i like OEM but if u think another type will look better u can put that one on there thanx
PLease get back 2 me soon
13.1 @ 115
please i would really like to buy these things but i want to know wat it will look like
13.1 @ 115
When asking for chops:
The better the pictures are- the better the chop will be.
-You MUST post a picture of your car AND the donor car or car part. We do this in our free time and we don't want to go searching for a picture of your car or the body kit, wing etc you want chopped onto your car.
-BOTH pictures must be at approximately the same angle
thats taken from the sticky at the top of the forum. you need to give us some pics of the wheels you want and a picture of a car with a cf hood at the same angle as your car. that will make it easier for someone to do the chop for you. nice car btw
well i mean there is no specific parts i just want a carbon fiber hood and watever rims u think look good thanx
13.1 @ 115
woulda posted it like 4hrs sooner but our power was off and i couldnt get JBO to work lol.
Nice work MANTA Z
yea that looks really sexy but wat do u think if i bout some of the never cavys rims and then painted tham or should i keep my 2000 rims
13.1 @ 115
i personally think only the 95-99 or 00-02 Z24 wheels are the ones that look good black.. not so much a fan of the 02LS Sports+ chrome or machined finish rims painted black
I love my 95-99 Z wheels black, but i think the 00s u got look hot too