ok, my club has gotten into some trouble over our current name "White Noise" (9 out of 10 cars are white, all have audio mods) neway. We are chnging the name to "Wrench Monkeys" we liked this drawing...
These are the two fonts...
DR. Suess
Now we wanted "Wrench Monkeys" on his hat and "Car Club" on the cresent of the wrench. These were my suggestions and everyone liked them.
PLEASE feel free to play around with everything, we played with the idea of making him an ouline drawing only. Just mess around with it, all i have is paint so needless to say i cant do anything nor would I know where to start if i had anything else.
If your design is chosen by the group some compensation would be in order.
"Car" on the top cresent "Club" on the bottom one?? Looking good, i think we all are going for the outlined one, that way we can see through it, since it will be on the back glass.
Thank you for your effort I have sent everyone the links so they can see them.
"Car" on the top cresent "Club" on the bottom one??
aight. I'll have updated ones this evening.
Here's the color version... if you like it, I'll update the outline to match
if you're going to use these for stickers you're going to want a decent quality picture, at least 300 dpi. i went and redid the line art and upped the qualty for you.
ok, Im home from Mississippi so i can actually respond. Technokid, THAT IS PERFECT!!! I am gonna talk to everyone in the club tonight and see what they all think. Ill get in touch with you later.