Hello, requesting my first chop, with the permission of using Phlatcav's picture. He ok'd it

Can someone change the paint from silver to indigo blue metallic, and add door handles, please? Thanks a bunch!
that looks hot being blue
Not exactly the color blue I was aiming for, but yes that looks friggin hot. Could you do it a bit darker blue, say..navy blue? Thats what indigo blue is closer too. Thanks!
Also, could anyone chop some sunfire headlights onto this car? I'd really appreciate it, pretty please!
I know what indigo blue is. Its hard to bring a silver (one of hte lightest shades of paint) car to a navy blue or indigo color without look like crap. You get the idea, and thats all these chops are for.
Heh, well thanks for your attempt, anyone else care to try, please?
This may be a little closer to what color you wanted...
Yes, thats exactly what I wanted. Thank you SEC-Z for your effort! Very nice indeed, now I have my platform. Muhahahah!