Far from perfect but not too bad.
thanks man better then anything i coulda done
fixed the bumper and enhanced the picture itself.
To bad actual body work isn't as easy as these photoshop guys make it look
That's an easy fix actually, use masking tape on the outside of the bumper to hold it together and in place, 80 grit to the inside of the bumper/lip and then fiberglass across the crack, after u've cleaned it ofcourse.
Then on the outside remove the tape once it's fully cured and sand the crack, make a v shape in it. bodyfill the crack and block sand it where u can.
should be a days project.. a couple hours if you've done bodywork before.
80 grit - use for the inside of the bumper
120 grit - use for rough shaping the bodyfiller on the outside / making the V
220 grit - for smoothing the filler
400 grit - prep for primer
BTW.....How big was that f*ckin' raccoon? lol
basketball size plus i was going down a rural hwy at close to 70 mph in the boonies out here so i hit it and bang knocked his ass around not to mention i had something hit me getting on the on ramp to interstate 4 just south of disney world