Hey Everyone, I'm about to start the process to open a new website, JeepRevolution.com and I need a little help with the logo. I made a rough mock-up of what I'm looking for but I need some help with the outlining. I want to have that jeep outlined so that it could be cut out of vinyl or printed on a t-shirt. I have included my mockup, the original picture I used and the cutout in .psd format I did. You can just use a placeholder font for now or if you want the one I used just shoot me an email. Also if you have any other design ideas feel free, I just need a logo that will convey a jeep "theme". Ill have some sort of reward either cash or parts. I really appreciate the help and if you have any questions feel free to email me
My Mockup:
Picture I used:
Link to Psd
The Car is For Sale: Info? Travis@TunerRevolution.com
do you have a pic of a similar jeep without the rear wheel... im outlining it and it just looks weird!! lol im not familiar enough to free hand the rear end.
here's what i have of the jeep...
how is that!??
i dont have the same font that you used.... but something like this?
i can change the color to whatever, or made adjustmenst to the jeep outline as well... just let me know!
here is a quick mock up of something i've had in mind, let me know if i should continue...
Rob, that was my other idea, do that it climbing that way, could you make that will less detail though, this needs to be a vinyl design. Its hard to explain but I need enough to see its a jeep but not too much that its complicated. Even a sketchy artistic version would be ok. Thanks for the mockups guys, keep um commin and ill pick the best one.
The Car is For Sale: Info? Travis@TunerRevolution.com
raskal forget about my pm. badass job prowler.. i love that.
i would make sure u finish it with all the detail too cuz that would be a badass sign or logo on shirts or sumthing.
Yea its a hard compromise, i need enough detail for the logo to make sense, but it needs to be simple so it can be cut in vinyl. Thats the real challenege.
The Car is For Sale: Info? Travis@TunerRevolution.com
White Raven (Ryan L.) wrote:Vinyl is possible to be screen printed.
??? I mean from a complexity standpoint, i used to do signs and vinyl and the more detail, the more small separated lines..the harder it is to get to go on right.
The Car is For Sale: Info? Travis@TunerRevolution.com
hey, you still want this done? hit me back if ur still interested
weave the hell outa that logo
just a little something i threw together...took me like 3 hours
Brenden Griswold wrote:![](http://i7.tinypic.com/258md1y.jpg)
just a little something i threw together...took me like 3 hours
this got my vote how did u get all the detail in it?
Just wanted to post to say great designs guys.
Have a good one,