Can somebody give me evil eyes? All help is appreciated, and once I learn how to use photoshop Ill return the favor. hehe.
All the best...
Someone paint the hood too
Rest In Peace, Saint.
Truth > God
....ya forgot toadd that there, common peeps
not perfect, but i am exhausted but here ya go
That's hot, but I don't know if "evil eyes" set off the car or not. I think with the kit she looks better with stock lids
Rest In Peace, Saint.
Truth > God
I like it.
Madjack wrote:Like I said before, building an engine like ours (2.2 or 2200) is a painstaking chore , since there is so few custom made parts. It's frustrating to me too, but that's what I like about doing this engine, it's the challenge.
i think it'd look better in pix if it wasn't so bright and you could make out the lines of the hood
Alexis wrote:That's hot, but I don't know if "evil eyes" set off the car or not. I think with the kit she looks better with stock lids
There is no kit there, that's stock

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I meant to say hood. Thanks for finding that mistake

sometimes I rush my comments
Rest In Peace, Saint.
Truth > God
can someone try again with the other pic instead...but thanks alot for trying
That looks HOTT
if it ain't broke...MAKE IT GO FASTER
Chris...thanks alot bro...i think you did the best job. Say your in Ontario, where you at, have never see your car on the road, and im all over the place. Love everything about your car, and I was actually thinking of doing that spoiler mod.
All the best
Sam Subhan wrote:Chris...thanks alot bro...i think you did the best job. Say your in Ontario, where you at, have never see your car on the road, and im all over the place. Love everything about your car, and I was actually thinking of doing that spoiler mod.
All the best
No prob man, I live in windsor, pretty much as south as you can go in ontario, I'll prolly be up north sometime next week, then at the bash in june. If you ever have any questions about my car or mods, feel more then welcome to ask me about em.