Hi guys,
I am offering a $50USD Paypal award to the designer of a custom logo for my business.
The business name is "ENVISION AUTO CORP", but "ENVISION AUTO" would be sufficient for a logo.
It is a high end vehicle resale business also focusing on custom wheels. Currently we are focusing on custom H2 Hummers, but are definately not limiting ourselves to that. The current address is the following - please don't mock me too badly, it is a very weak website-and is going to get a MAJOR (ie COMPLETE) facelift in the upcoming months. The address to what I have currently is found at the following:
I will award the best design, at my discretion, an amount of $50 USD sent through paypal. I request that there be a minimum of 10 entries and am looking for an easily recognizable logo with an emphasis on luxury vehicles, and custom wheels tied in if possible. The contest will be open from May 1st - May30th and can end anytime if I am satisfied with a current logo. You are free to submit as many entries as you wish but there will be only one selected logo winner. The winner will need to provide me with the original high resolution images in a format that is easily modifiable at the selection of the winning design in order to claim the $50USD award.
Additional ideas are to somehow make the "E" in "Envision" stand out since it is a very commonly misspelled word (ie "invision"). The rest is free for your creative minds to come up with whatever you think is unique and easily recognizable. I will be using the winning design on my business cards and possibly on vehicle banner wraps. Any questions or to contact me directly, use the following email:
Thank you for your time and submissions!
<img src = "http://www.members.shaw.ca/shaun-ironside/sig_pic.jpg">
quick one.. if u like the idea ill spend more time on it and make it better..
Thanks for the submission Manta, but I am looking for something alot more simple and less busy.
A theme of ours is "Making your dreams a reality"
Keep 'em coming!!
<img src = "http://www.members.shaw.ca/shaun-ironside/sig_pic.jpg">
maybe something along these lines?
WannaBZee: That looks really good. I like the flow and sleek lines of the car with the wheel. VERY NICE! I am really impressed, and if this is a taste of things to come I am really really looking forward to seeing future designs.
Here's a little add on to your current design if you could, your sperm smiley guy below - could you somehow add a similar image to the vehicle (not sperm, but the same type of a face maybe) Smiley face with shades on, portraying the relaxed image maybe?
Thanks for the submissions!
<img src = "http://www.members.shaw.ca/shaun-ironside/sig_pic.jpg">
you want the car to have sunglasses and a smile?
lol , no not the car - I was just thinking maybe have somthing like that face on your sperm in your sig looking out the side window of the car. I don't know if it can be done, was just a thought.
<img src = "http://www.members.shaw.ca/shaun-ironside/sig_pic.jpg">
i think he either wants the smily dude for a passenger or driver kind of laid back cruzin
ScorpionZ24 wrote:......and less busy.
sorry but what ur asking wannabzee i dont possibly see how it wont be busy.. i would try to make other ones but i dont wanna be coping wannabzee in his designs.. i guess if i come up with a different design i might try that.. dunno.. maybe if i get bored or sumthing..
i wish i had photoshop working
If you would accept drawings i have a sweet idea!
Here is my attempt. Prolly too busy tho.
I am really REALLY impressed with all of your offerings thus far and I actually like components of each of them. I think the wheel component of the name fits beautifully - it ties the business concept of custom wheels and high end vehicles together perfectly!!
Just some feedback on your current designs.
tha_prowler: LOVE the rotating wheel. LOVE the simplicity of the design. The first one I think I am liking the best. I really like how the "n" extends under "envision", and the rotating wheel is great! Can we try a few alterations on that design, say putting the rotating wheel on the "Auto" instead of "Envision" or having rotating wheels on both.
driftincavy: AMAZING work! The actual wheels in the logo is great!! I also like what you are thinking with the swirl in the "E" - with the burnout\treadmarks. I think we can eliminate the outline of the hummer around the name though, I don't want people to think that is all I am dealing with because my intent is to expand into porsche cars and down the road ferrari's possibly. Also, as much as I like the idea of the "E" burnout, I think it is too busy, and when I first look I don't see the "E" as clearly as I would like. Perhaps a simplier design but keep the actual wheels on the two "O's".
Again - thanks for the submissions! I am contemplating a second place finisher prize here because the ideas you guys are giving me are just outstanding! Thank you for all your time and efforts!! Keep the submissions coming in!!
I will accept scanned images as entries - I won't be judging them against the animated images since that wouldn't be fair. Additionally, I would have to get them digitized, but I still think that they will be valuable towards my final design.
Thanks again!!
Here's my idea:
Let me know what you think...
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/bossman/personal_pic.jpg"></img>
With "E" exagerated (sp?)
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/bossman/personal_pic.jpg"></img>
Black and white...
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/bossman/personal_pic.jpg"></img>
bossman: Very cool idea. A couple of points though. Firstly, the name is "Envision Auto" not "automotive". A minor detail, but the final design must say "Envision Auto". Secondly, I really like the classy look but it looks like we are focusing only on SUV's\Hummers....which is the case right now, but long term I am thinking of going more "Luxury Vehicles" and not strictly focusing only on the SUV market I think you have definately captured the idea of making the "E" in "Envision" stand out. Since the word is so commonly misspelled as "Invision" with an "I" it is critical I make the "E" prominent.
Also, the feel I want to get when I look at it is one of
i) Easily Recognizable
ii) High end "vehicle" market
iii) Secondary focus on Custom Wheels
iv) A life of luxury, freedom, etc.
I know it is alot to ask, and the ideas you guys are coming up with are amazing. I really appreciate all the effort brought forward on this and you guys have some real talent. Please keep them coming.......I have to say that they all look great, but just not exactly what I am looking for just yet.
yea the "burnout" is diamonds..
One last quick one... I'll wait to see what some other come up with before I bother to re-do this one... let me know, this one is a bit of everything...
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/bossman/personal_pic.jpg"></img>
Saved lo-res and small for protection purposes. File was created in Illustrator so resizing isn't an issue.
The thing on the right is supposed to resemble an eye, which it does to me, but I think some people might think of it as a Goldfish or something.
Oops... Here's a working JPG.
JBoDiED: Very cool idea with the eye! I actually did think it was a goldfish though.....hehehe
I had another thought about what I should be asking for here.......as I see the designs gaining in complexity and scripting. If I were to take the idea generated and aside from putting the logo on a business card, in which ALL of the submissions are more than adequate for - how about if I was to use the idea and place it on the side of a building or blow it up on a billboard? I was thinking that less is more in situations where people are driving by and only have a few seconds to recognize a logo. Perhaps even a symbol that is integrated into the logo so that the symbol is always recognizable even without the rest of the logo.....then tie that symbol into the logo design. I guess I am thinking like the "M" in McDonalds.......so maybe the "E" in Envision? Just a thought. Thanks again for all the efforts.......they all are looking great - I don't think I've found the "one" I'm looking for yet, but the ideas being generated are much appreciated.
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/bossman/personal_pic.jpg"></img>