well it took me about 15 hours total, but here it is.

it's all done with the pen tool, paintbrush, and the smudge tool.
Looks great! A lot like Beach's style! I like it!
Hey Ghost : If i were to attempt the toon it might look something like this
CCasper : Beautiful Job !!!! 15 hours ... Damn !!! i wish i had that kind of patience

Hope u don't mind me playing around with your toon. Again, very nice job - keep up the good work
Check out my website with my "CarToonZ" @
thanks alot guys.
Beach: i don't mind at all man, your toons are the greatest! i still don't know how u do it??
looks great. isnt that a rendering though?
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i suppose you can call it that, but it was my attempt at a toon, so i just said it was a toon. i didn't really alter it as much as Beach did, but i made it for a friend and he didn't want it to be altered that much. it was mainly for this web banner that i made for his business.
you guys are all way better than i! good one!
mecp certified installer#39272
andy czarnecki wrote:you guys are all way better than i! good one!
thanks man, it just takes a lot of practice.