Time to rant - Image Manipulation Forum

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Time to rant
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 10:37 PM
You people need to stop handing out free toons. It really pisses me off to see talented artist not getting paid for there work and people bugging non stop for free toons. Yes we will do free photoshopping but not something that takes 8+ hrs. If you can't afford it don't ask for it. I think I'm more dissappointed in the artist just giving away there time and work then the people who beg for 4+ pages until they get it for free.

Now back to CD contest.

Re: Time to rant
Tuesday, October 18, 2005 11:21 PM
i like doing toons *note i can't make them well but i am ok* so its kool to just do toons

Re: Time to rant
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:46 AM
Thank you, u said everything that i state when people ask for free toons.. its like working im sure no one would want to go work for 8+ hrs and get a couple people to tell them good job.. Actually one of teh toons i am working on i just have all the tracing done and i think i might be already close to 8hr spent.. its surprising how easy i can lose track of time doing a toon.. This toon im currently working on i told the guy it will be free only because it is my first attempt at a new technique and i didnt know how it would turn out.. Now my toons are no DJ Teddy, Z2fst4u, or Zeetwankyfoo but they are damn good if u ask me.. Now there are alot of us really stepping up in our toons i think i have greatly, heather seems to get better everytime, and larry really had a great toon of that white cav. There have also been some people trying them for the first time and end up looking really good..
Bottom line is.. not everything is free... if someone wants a free toon ill just open the pic on PS, distort it(not like i do for a actual toon tho), blend the colors, poster edge, and there.. thats a free toon...

Re: Time to rant
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:34 AM
Hence why almost every toon I've been making has been of Manufacturer cars and not actual owner cars. I'm getting more practice that way instead of handing out free toons since they take forever.

If you look at my page, only J i've done for free is Tritons, and that was because it was a different angle so I wanted to see if I could do it. Otherwise I'll just wait till someone asks *shrugs*

Toon Gallery | Sig Gallery | MySpace Page
Re: Time to rant
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 7:46 AM
i'm just trying to get better at them

Re: Time to rant
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 10:18 AM
I like this thread

Re: Time to rant
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 2:32 PM
I say, just learn to do it yourself. Ive been practicing the last few nights and its fun. If you really want a toon and dont wanna pay for it. Get the program and do it yourself its fun and u can make it however u want.

Re: Time to rant
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 2:41 PM
I understand all of your points, but at the same time you need to remember this site is not meant for people to make an income off of. I understand some people are willing to pay for top quality work at the same times others are willing to do top quality work for pay. However this site is for the exchange of ideas, advice, ONES AREA OF EXPERTISE, meeting fellow J enthusiasts and so on. There is nothing wrong for requesting a free toon. There is something wrong with pestering for free toons or gettind pissed when they didn't get any takers. You can't expect everyone to charge for a toon just like you can't expect everyone to pay for toons.

Re: Time to rant
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 2:59 PM
So your telling me that everyone that makes CF parts for J-s should not charge anyone because thats there area of expertese? People that have these 100$-800$ programs are doing it to pocket money? I'm sure most of them are using the money to cover the cost of the program or to keep up there internet or updating there computer to support such a program. If you can't afford a toon then trades or something similiar most artist will accept.

Re: Time to rant
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:30 PM
a sig yeah whatever i'd be pissed if someone charged for that. But a toon takes the equivilent to working AT LEAST 8 hours at a job. Time = money, everyone knows that.
And if someone asks for a toon for me to take at least a days worth of work to it I'm gonna expect at least a little compensation. I'm a stay at home mom, anyway I can find a way to make a couple extra bucks I will.

Of course people sit an complain about having to pay for it, but I bet if they spent the time doing toons and getting them perfect they wouldn't want to hand them out for free since they take alot of time and patience to do.

Toon Gallery | Sig Gallery | MySpace Page
Re: Time to rant
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 3:53 PM
honestly when the subject was brought up a few months i felt very strongly that these people should not charge for there chops but after talking with stephen about his chops i have since changed my mind it takes alot of work for them to get the toons to look right something that goes unappreciated its like a tattoo you want a good one you pay no one truly wants a jailhouse tattoo

Re: Time to rant
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 4:23 PM
Hold on did I ever say that you can't charge or did I even say that you shouldn't charge? No I said


I understand some people are willing to pay for top quality work at the same times others are willing to do top quality work for pay

and I said


There is nothing wrong for requesting a free toon. There is something wrong with pestering for free toons or gettind pissed when they didn't get any takers. You can't expect everyone to charge for a toon just like you can't expect everyone to pay for toons.

Which is all correct. Like I said if someone wants a very good quality toon they should pay for it, but you can't expect them to pay for it just like you can't expect someone to do it if they are not going to be paid.

So once again there is nothing wrong with requesting a free toon, if someone wants to do it for free you have no right to get pissed at them thats there choice. Just like if I made (your example) a carbon fiber mirror and decided to give it to someone for free, you have no right to get pissed at me. It's my choice and thats what I decided to do. But in a normal situation you would obviously expect someone to pay for it. Like I said b4 there is nothing wrong asking for a free toon. But you'd better not bit(h if no one does it for you and you shouldn't go out pestering people for a free toon.

You must not have clearly read what I posted b/c if you did you would see that I am not disagreeing with the payment for a toon, I am only disagreeing with you for getting pissed at people who are doing them for free!

Re: Time to rant
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:02 PM
^ ur right

an artist SHOULD be able to do a free toon for someone in particular. and then the next time someone asks for a toon charge them.

EXCEPT the internet doesnt work that way.

as soon as 1 person gets 1 free toon that looks good, 100 posts pop up asking for toons for free using some crappy pics.

then when the posters are told they must pay for a good toon they go ape doodles and start name calling and giving MAJOR attitude.

so on the net its easier to just NOT do free toons because it causes childish outbreaks

its kinda liek grade school u hand out candy and if u don thave enough for all everyone crys

:::Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::
Re: Time to rant
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 5:59 PM
Flaherty wrote:^ ur right

an artist SHOULD be able to do a free toon for someone in particular. and then the next time someone asks for a toon charge them.

EXCEPT the internet doesnt work that way.

as soon as 1 person gets 1 free toon that looks good, 100 posts pop up asking for toons for free using some crappy pics.

then when the posters are told they must pay for a good toon they go ape doodles and start name calling and giving MAJOR attitude.

so on the net its easier to just NOT do free toons because it causes childish outbreaks

its kinda liek grade school u hand out candy and if u don thave enough for all everyone crys

That's horribly true. Usually the toons that i do for free are for patient people willing to wait months and to give up alot of their time just to take the perfect hi-res picture.

heres a couple of people that were completely patient and didn't rush me into starting these toons, they went out and did these pictures just for the toon.


Re: Time to rant
Wednesday, October 19, 2005 6:37 PM
any of the toons i do lately are because i want to do the.... like im workin on one of zach hiltons car... im not doing it for him though. i saw the pic and liked it and thought i should try to brush the entire pic. sure, when im done i'll post it and if he wants, i'll prolly let him use it.... but he didnt ask for me to do it. if someone asks, i prolly wont charge, but then again mine arent anything marvelous and i keep shopping because it calms me down a bit, kind of a way for me to relax.
note: now that i just realize what i said, if i get 18 people asking for toons.... the probono thing may not keep!!

DJ, yours are just art... thats they way i see it! along with many other on here!! what you guys and girls ( heather ) create is not just a simple thing. i dont see it any different than if someone would ask an artist to paint them a specific pic. heck ya, it's going to cost them! hahah

Re: Time to rant
Thursday, October 20, 2005 5:13 PM
Which I totaly agree with it is art and the toons I have seen latley are undescribable but at the same time it's up to the person doing the toon no one else

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