check out my sig... my first time doin a toon and animation
Pretty cool! It would cost more frames and make the file bigger, but did you consider making the car light up first, then your name?
Either way, good stuff. I like the wheels.

2000 2200 Cavalier: 9/14/2000--10/23/2006
2007 G85 SS S/C: 10/23/2006--Present
Vote for me at! Thanks!
looks good, but I really don't think you need the tails to light up since you can't even seen them from that angle.
Thanks alot! I think you have a good idea! ill have to play around with it a little more till i get the hang of it.. its friggin time consuming lol
Sorry bout that, i changed the animation abit and made my name light up after the car
There It should work now... sorry im a bit of an idiot!!!!
Looks awesome
FYI it's over the sig size limit though
Just a heads up

................Which car will hit 400 whp first???................
thanks for the comments guys! hopefully ill get better at it!
looks pretty schweet... plain but appealing

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