could someone plz two tone my car, someone already photoshopped it and i just want to see some two tone with it
thanks in advance]
dont like how they took my eyelid design idea.......
i'd prolly take a stab at it, but wont be able to until Monday....
some one plz, i want to do this in the spring if i get the money and need some visions of what i could get it to look like
i am currently swamped with homework....
do you have any side pics??
and you want the colors red and black, correct??
i had an idea when messing with my car the other day, not sure if it will work since you have the gt bumper, but i'll see what i can come up with. but not sure when that will be!
why is it so pixillated/blury?
are there any other sites where there are pics of your car?
only asking, because the better the pics = the better the shop.
also, do you want to stay with the theme of having the top center part of the car black, like in the previous pics??