Hey fellas, i got the photoshop7 and image reeady, and was wondering how to drop my car and put rims on it, and also how to put different rims on it....i'd greatly appreciate it....Thanx!
to put rims on you basically just use the elliptical select
(There will be a dashed line rectangle on your toolbar, right click it and choose the circle.)
YOu select the rim you want as closely as you can and copy (Ctrl-C, or Edit/Copy), go the the image you want to add it to and paste it (Ctrl-V, or Edit/Paste) and then line it up as best as possible. After that you just have to try to best yourself and come up with new techniques.
Dropping the car, you will most likely want to use the polylasso, again, right click the lasso tool(looks like a lasso...) and select the lasso made out of striaght lines. Now you will want to trace an outline around the whole car as nicely as you can. Cut what you have selected (Ctrl-X, or Edit/Cut) and Paste it, so now it is on a new layer. You will also want your wheels to be on a separate layer than the body and background layers.
Now it's just a matter of lowering the body on the wheels, and shrinking the top of the background down so that there are no empty spots. Then you just crop the image to compensate for the space left from shrinking the background.
Hopefully that helps, if you need anymore:
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and im not sure i udnerstand u completely but "shrinking" the backgroudn would never be a good idea
it would distort the images. simply crop the image dont shring the background at any time.
i may be mis understanding you tho.
Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::
SO what do you do about the white area around the car when the body is lowered? Hmm?
Hmm just checked the tut actually, wouldn't work in all situations, but I guess that's a better idea than mine.
best way to always lower is what is shown in that tut.
of course there are MANY exceptions but usually only in SUPER in depth chops or CRAZY weird angle shots etc...
Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::