If someone could change the orange on this car to light blue, and the silverorange as silver but leave the hood black
well... I don't see any silver orange... but here...
Causa latet vis est notissima
DIY Clear 03+ Headlights
oh yeah, I'm on my cell and laptop so I get processed compressed images... I can try again from home lol
Causa latet vis est notissima
DIY Clear 03+ Headlights
Sorry I meant the orange to silver
I did these, but image shack isn't working now (says server not found?) and i'm at work, so i can post them in a little less than an hour and a half when i get home
Could someone do it in baby blue?
Anybody want to come up with some different ideas for colors and/or schemes go ahead
3 images were already posted in baby blue, and then u ask for 1 in baby blue
i dont get it
nice car
i like it in silver
but id go with gun metal rims

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::
I wanted it done in a lighter blue, Just to get some ideas of colors, I didn't think that the other posts were light enough that's why I asked