Sorry don't know why the pic of my car didn't load. But here it is again:
Almost forgot. If you can also paint it black, that would be a big help.
Thanks again.
holy watermarks galore batman! Can you get a picture where its not watermarked?
That's the only pic I could find. Is it possible to do it with the watermarkes on there. I'll just ignore them.
so you WANT to go from an Avenger front to a Bmoex front... YOU CRAZY DUDE!
THE WORLDS FIRST GAY POTATO!:Amaze and delight your friends, dress it up, take it to the cinema or just sit and admire it's firm silky buttocks and when your bored of it .. lob it in a casserole dish with some onions and carrots.
Well some dude backed into me and destroyed the kit. So I'm going with a different style front so i can save some of the insurance money to make some performance upgrades.