Have fun with this....I wanna use it for my desktop, except it isnt fun enuf...
do what ya want *tastefully*
and i know, it isnt the most hi-res there could be but....
nobody wants to take this on??
This is what I came up with just kinda messin around. I don't know how to keep the backround from rotating but it doesn't look that bad imo. Oh well at least you have something at least a little different.
just a bit, but thats freekin sweet
and those look like the graphics from brooks' car lol
they're part his an part from fetter / joe schultes ghostflame car... i had a hard time tryin to cut out the center so i had to use andys to help get an outline lol
umm wow, that chop looks awesome, i realy hope your registered on nathaniels site... i dont come into this forum often, but i realy like the flames and grill and pretty much everything on that truck you did.
THE WORLDS FIRST GAY POTATO!:Amaze and delight your friends, dress it up, take it to the cinema or just sit and admire it's firm silky buttocks and when your bored of it .. lob it in a casserole dish with some onions and carrots.
That Looks great anghellic I like those flames alot great work !!! You should def register on Creative Draft like 1bad02cav said you got some skills