well since sig request #14 is now on 13 pages i figured id start up a new thread
#14 1-26-05, 307 posts
#13 01-01-05, 101 posts
#12 10-18-04, 314 posts
#11 08-30-04, 356 posts
#10 04-23-04, 414
#9 02-06-04, 381 posts
#8 12-08-03, 231 posts
#7 09-25-03, 278 posts
#6 9-20-03, 240 posts
#5 06-22-03, 242 posts
#4 05-16-03, 195 posts
#3 04-16-03, 226 posts
#2 04-03-03, 272 posts
#1 03-21-03, 261 posts
1. POST ANY AND ALL PICTURES YOU WANT IN YOUR SIG( that means NO links to cardomain or whatever ACTUALLY post the pictures) we WILL NOT go searching for pictures of num chucks or images of upside down fish, or ANY OTHER PICTURE! you want it in yoru sig. then post it.
2. The pictures of the car MUST be YOURS.
3. IF you have a general idea on what kind of things or look you want for your sig TELL US
in most cases SIGS are completed on first come first server. however, there is no guarantee that that is how it will work for you. the SIG MAKERS have LIVES TOO and do this for free just because we are SO nice

so follow all the rules posted above, be nice and patient and gratefull after you recieve your sig.
Thank you and Your welcome
if you still have a request from a previous thread that has not been completed yet please post it again here.

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::/:::
OOps will also have some 225/40/18 tires just so they arent too big when you make it
Sorry for double post!
Looking for quite a bit of variation.. would you mind taking a stab at these, putting the duaLife text? I'll copy and paste my other post...
Howdy, I need some very simple sig work done. Paint Shop Pro is being a son of a bitch right now. If you've seen my other sigs, you know this is pretty standard. I want to take the 3 pictures below, and just add some really cool looking text that says "duaLife". Just take a look at my other sigs to get a sense of what I like. Thanks in advance.
In this one, I would like the text to be in the bottom left.
In this one, I would like the text to be in the bottom right.
In this one, I would like the text to be in the bottom left.
If these for some reason don't work, check page 10 or 11 of the other thread. Thanks.
I have a super high quality version of what i want here
I don't want to post the actual pic cause its HUGE (5 mega pixle camera) but I'm looking for this pic croped down get rid of the gay conscruction in the background ect.. add some kind of background, nohting fancy, some kinda 3D visual effect pattern or something, and have it say "projectdarkstars.com" and maybe something liek pics, vids, & mods on www.projectdarkstars.com something along the line of that thanks
by the way if this is a problem let me know
actually just make it say www.projectdarkstars.com and leave just enough room under it so I can have line of typing undernieth it thanks
.i left it open for interpitation just do something crazy with it if i like it ill use it thanks
First off id like to have it say GARSNOW at the top, and have reflection going across the name. and at the bottom of the sig just have it say in small letters : Imports, prepare to export. and i dont know if you are going to use a background, but if you do can you a have an actual redline going through the back? thanks again to whoever attempts this. its kind of picky but PLEASE! it should look good when its done.
thanks! and here are the pictures:
Thanks again to whoever does this for me.
The previous sig requets archive was awesome to click thru and check out all the old stuff and the progression of everyone's skills. Kick ass.
I just wished that the OLD OLD threads were still up somewhere, I think they are all deleted now,
Have a good one,
Bizzle wrote:Could I get a sig made with some of these pics please (you chose which ones) . . . . I don't really care what's in the background. Also I'll be putting on some gunmetal 18" Motegi MR7's in a week or two and will also be lowering it with some GC coilovers on KONI yellows. I would like it lowered down until right above the tires . . if you think you could show that in there too that would be great. Thanks in advance.

^^^ what the wheels look like ( I couldn't find a real good pick sorry )
if yoru doing all that in a week or 2 just wait till then and snap new photos. no sense in makign someone make u a sig to then want a new one shortly after

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::/:::
darkstars: Tell me what you think, up to you if you want to keep it or not.
Have a good one,
I like it except the background, I would liek somehtign with black stars on it, either somethign else or somehow added in to that but thanks you
ok can you do this.... the little section down where it looks like the person? pheonix? or whatever is kinda busting out can you make a couple of thos e little scrap looking things into little stars?
yeah id like to have a sig made..... not really sure what i want so imma let you guys get creative
heres the pics im givin ya to choose from.. i have bigger versions of these pics on my comp straight from the digital camera incase ya need them
thank you
Shush Weasel..i want my shirley temple
my bad i need sleep............... or more beer either one will work
Shush Weasel..i want my shirley temple
k ive been told i need a new sig....well heres my request......
i need the gmscb thing from my current sig under whatever anyone makes me.....make it to the limits please.....ok now for pics..well really i dont have any pics....so heres what i want.....
upper left corner...the word "KandyMan........"
lower border.....the words "........Expect The Unexpected."
minus the quotes of course.....bold type letters with a lil style...not just plain block letters... and as far as the background some thing dark and shadowy....go buts and have fun with it.....like i said...the overall sig size has to be max size with the current link for the gmscb banner on the bottom....
thanx to whoever gives this a shot...and if you want anymore detail lemme know.....thanx guys

Not unintentionally accelerating since 2009!!!!