hey guys i've seen some images around that have this effect to them.... how do i do something similar in photoshop or whatever?
any help would be great!
Its the "cartooning" effect, and I think there are a few tutorials floatin around here. Try a search.
yeah its cartooning or tooning
takes ALOT of work. that top one is an easier method. by distorting individual parts of the car then adding filters then using the pen tool to outlien everythign by hand.
the bottom one by zeetwank would take hours and really high end knowledge of ps. LOTS of work
Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::/:::
i just did a search and i found no tutorials
wondering if anyone has a good walkthrough on how to do it
im pretty comfortable with photoshop (ive done a million sigs)...and i would like to try this out
thanks guys
sorry i should of clarifyed...i meant tooning tutorial
well for starters open a fairly simple pic of a car in ps. outline EVERY SINGLE line with black... using ur pen tool. not too thick tho... make sure it still looks fairly natural. After you r done with that select your eye dropper tool and copy the color of the area you want to color... for example the door. copy the color, and then using your paint bucket dump the paint.. repeat for every single color on you car and end result.. cartoon. keep in mind the more lines, glares, color changes you outline with the pen and eventually color in a solid color with the paint bucket..... the better your "toon" will turn out. There is ALOT more you can do with this theory of tooning.. but i fig. id get you off to the right step have fun with it and please post what u do!
Proud member of the org. since 2/1/2003
qwiksilvr00: what are the more advanced parts of it that you are speaking of
I'm very knowledgable in PS and Illustrator so i dont think i'll have any problems with the part that you mentioned already.
for example distorting the actual size of the vehicle... like the sunfires up top, also distorting the way the wheels sit... often making them bigger, oblong, almost oval in some cases to give them the apperance of power and even moving. Anyway im sure ull have fun with it... i dont like 2 do it soo much my wrist starts 2 kill after 3 hours of tracing lines with my graphire pen.
Proud member of the org. since 2/1/2003
qwiksilvr00 wrote: i dont like 2 do it soo much my wrist starts 2 kill after 3 hours of tracing lines with my graphire pen.
that's why i use good 'ol shift-click