Saw you were wanting a toon of your car.....I'm not too good at it especially at distorting the wheels but I tried. Here ya go!
yea the windshield does look a lil weird
That looks pretty sweet. Rims could be a little "toony-er". I like the way the windshield looks actually.
Phlatcav is not here now but is said that is Sick and thank you
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Heck yea I will!

Man that look sweet! Thank you so much Blitz I love it!!! Very very very good work bro!
Hey how can i get that without the background? I can try it in photoshop if someone tells me how
Phlat, if you tell me what you want I can get it without background. You just want it to be just the car and it blends in with the forum color? Or something else? If you wanna do it your self just use the laso selector...right click it and use the polygon tool deal. I think its called lol. Play with it a bit you'll get it working.
Yea id like it to blend in with the forum color and have a shadow under it, also wonder how hard it would be to slam the car a bit lower.
thats impossible..the wheel is turned. you will crease the fender. hahaha
PhlatCav, I dunno but try this on for size. Let me know if you want anything else. You made it seem like you just wanted your car there and thats thats what I did.
As far as shadow goes, I dunno I just used it existing shadow. I didn't know if you wanted more added or what. Geeze we gotta beat what you want for YOUR sig out of you. =P
Hey cut me some slack its 2am and I suck to begin with. Never said he had to use it =P I didn't see anyone else giving a go at it so I made a shot at it.
dont take it the wrong way man. uve goten alot better. but you cant get even better without peopel tellign you what to change to get better
u did a good job just needs lots of little clean up. try turning down teh hardness on the eraser. and you can also turn down sensitvity on your mouse to get smoother movement

Creative Draft Image Manipulation Forum:::/:::
Sweet! Very nice. Thankx for all the hard work fellas!
ive got one in the oven...
im not pro at the shadow part... i may or may not try it...
this is the first time of actually trying for the original toon look...
how's it coming?? ohh, here's a preview!!
still have to do the tires and hood and finish the front bumper.... then get rid of the background and finish up.
what do you think??
Holy crap that looks sweeeeeeeeeet! MORE
here ya go phlat cav.....
OMG that looks sick
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