3800 SUPERCHARGED SWAP INFO - Page 10 - Third Generation Forum
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Isaak...don't fill up your maxi-pad man. It was just a question.
Russ Perry wrote:Isaak...don't fill up your maxi-pad man. It was just a question.
Thats right, just a question, but in the complete wrong place, should not be brought up in this thread whatsoever. How does your poll help anyone looking for 3800 S/C swap info? NONE. This thread should be kept free of useless crap so people can actually get the info they need and not have to go through 12 pages of worthless BS that has nothing to do with it. If you wanted to ask that, start a new thread, dont trash this one
"Hondas are like tampons, every pussy has one!!!"
why would you downgrade from a 2.2 to a POS 4.3 think about it why go through tthe work and have less hp then a 3800sc if your gonna do the work make it worth it
but let me guess your getting a 97 s10 for free or next to free
JBO since July 30, 2001
Russ Perry wrote:Isaak...don't fill up your maxi-pad man. It was just a question.
Ugh... okay?
Well, I can find a 4.3 easier than a 3800s/c around where I live and being the 3800 s/c post I thought most would have some say on the matter and not be a 3 year old about it. Guess I was wrong. I'm just looking for options.....that's all....no fights! Grow up people.
The point we are trying to make is that this is for information about the 3800 swap, which you are providing NONE of... why can you not understand that?
Make your own post asking people of this forum what they would do, really, is that so difficult? You are the one that need's to grow up, seriously.
well put isaak but for the record lets get this back on topic this is for 3800 INFORMATIONAL PURPOSE
JBO since July 30, 2001
Isaak wrote:The point we are trying to make is that this is for information about the 3800 swap, which you are providing NONE of... why can you not understand that?
Make your own post asking people of this forum what they would do, really, is that so difficult? You are the one that need's to grow up, seriously.
SHOoff likes this
i find it amusing that SHOoff has nothing better to do but follow me around & be an unhelpful dick in even cross-forum. - Jon Mick
i would like to thank the person who stickied this good things come to those who wait
need to get that ecotec swap in a 99 post stickied been a few threads started about that topic
JBO since July 30, 2001
Its about time this thread got stickied!!
Hey I'm kind of new to this, I have done a five speed swap and upgraded my 98 to all 2000 wiring , and I have also repaired a few harnesses but what I want to know is, what exactly do i have to "ADD" to the cavalier harness, what i mean is what all needs to be in the harness it dosnt sound to hard but what all needs to be added for it to work?
the entire engine harness with componets that your using must merge to the C100 and fuse block from a cavalier then use an 04 impala SS supercharged PCM
JBO since July 30, 2001
what kind of steering column can I use if I swap a 3800 into my sunfire? can I use the stock sunfire steering wheel or would I have to use a grand prix or W body steering wheel? I hear some of the W bodys have adaptive sterring which is what the 1994 Pontiac sunfire roadster concept had which I'd find useful.
I meant Variable effort power steering
All of that stuff stays the same.
so the 3800 would be a direct bolt in for the steering shaft, interesting, I heard I'd have to change to a different transmission, I wonder if an F40 6 speed manual that bolts on to all gm v6's would be able to use the standard shifter, or if i'd have to get one off a G6 or something?
Well you have to use a 2.2 cavalier transmission, but the steering is the same
I've read something on here the F40 Transmission which is in newer Sabb 9-3's and G6 have the correct bolt on pattern for the typical GM v6 engines, which I hope will work because it will be better for more torque than a typical 2.2L transmission, plus I've always wanted a 6 speed manual transmission.
on a few other forums i've seen Pontiac fieros with 3800 engines with the F40 transmission as well.
The F40 out of the Saab has a different bellhousing I believe, but the G6 F40 does bolt up.
Its still not really worth it though, it will cost $1500-$2000 plus all the extra work of custom mounts and trimming to get it to fit

First 6-speed in a 3rd Gen
cost is not a concern for me, i would like it alot especially when my friends see that I have a 3800 under the hood mated to a 6 speed manual
That was the price for doing it the cheap way as well, buying new parts from GM will be closer to the $3K range. And it's not just the cost either, the F40 requires A LOT of additional fab work than an F23 does.
If your really serious, when you go to start pm me and I can give you some links, part numbers, and go into more detail about what all is involved

First 6-speed in a 3rd Gen
what did you have to fabricate to install an F40 into your 3800 engine, at least from your pic it looks like either a 3400 or a 3800.
did you also use the G6 shifter assembly for it as well?
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