So I was on the Pontiac website when I noticed that they had this thing called the Pontiac Matchup. Out of boredom, I said sure, why not. As I scroll down, I see they have the Sunfire listed. For those not familiar with the website, the site is for those "considering replacing their old Pontiac with a new car". It's supposed to match your Pontiac with a similar car from another GM division (and by the way none of them are really matched correctly). They have all the cars Pontiac produced around 2005 and up.
As I click on the Sunfire then generate, the site basically says if you want to replace your Sunfire you should look at the Cobalt Sedan, Aveo 5, HHR and Terrain. I thought it was pretty stupid. I'm still in awe that they would send you to cars that are not even near the class of a J Body (except for the Cobalt)
So now I ask you...
If you absolutely HAD to replace your Sunfire (and Cavalier since they're the same car), would you even consider those 4 choices? Why or why not?
I would definitely consider the Cobalt Coupe only, not the sedan. I don't like the Aveo, or the HHR. I haven't looked at the Terrain much though.
But yeah, I'll take a Cobalt SS please, Thanks.
I might consider the HHR. But only the one with the Turbo.
i find it amusing that SHOoff has nothing better to do but follow me around & be an unhelpful dick in even cross-forum. - Jon Mick
I miight take the Terrain, but the other
they probably list the hhr and terrain as upgrades from your existing car, cobalt as an equivalent of your current car, and the aveo as more cost effective car.
You see my choice.....
PRND321 Till I DIE
Old Motor: 160whp & 152ft/lbs, 1/4 Mile 15.4 @88.2
M45 + LD9 + 4T40-E, GO GO GO
Well I have a Cobalt SS/SC in my driveway as well.
the only car that will replace my cavalie ris a camero SS
JBO since July 30, 2001
i might consider an ss cobalt coupe. none of the other crap listed though.
but in the end really even when people ask me if i were to win the lottery, i'd still stick with my car.
if my car were totalled i'd buy another j.
hell i'm only on my first one!
so j>all other car's for me.
I would be interested in a SC or turbo Cobalt IF they offered an automatic. Id consider the HHR SS for that reason. However...only if the interior and seats are better than the LS. My mother in law has a HHR LS and not only is it terribly uncomfortable but it has the cheapest interior Ive seen since the 80s.
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Im going with the crowd and gonna say Cobalt SS, maybe the Terrain, but thats for when i have a family to haul around, which is no time soon.
I find your response interesting, blucavvy... even if money wasn't a factor, you would still drive a J? Not even for a VW or a Subaru loaded to the tits? I always thought of my Js as "lets make the most of it" kind of car. I love my cavalier, moreso than any other vehicle ive had, but I'll be the first to admit my experience with cars has been with only cheap, economy cars not really meant for mods. Not that I couldnt afford something nicer, I just didnt want to be like my friends who were stuck with endless car payments because they needed the latest and greatest. Anyway, im getting off the point. Most people on JBO would drive their Js off a pier if they had the money for something better. Not trying to come off as being a dick, but I cant decide if its because you are a J body for lifer or that working on something other than Js gives you a sense of unfamiliarity because you've had Js for so long.
I know Im probably reading into this too much, Im up too late and probably far too drunk for being on JBO. Always thought you were one of the better people on JBO, also, I'd trade cavis with you any @!#$ day hahahaha
strat81 wrote:they probably list the hhr and terrain as upgrades from your existing car, cobalt as an equivalent of your current car, and the aveo as more cost effective car.

My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again
I wouldn't say any of those is equal to the Sunfire. A Cobalt coupe perhaps is the best fit for a similar car, but I wouldn't ever drive a Cobalt. Of the choices given, I'd go Terrain, but it wouldn't serve the same function as the Sunfire. My latest car purchase was to replace the daily driving duty of my Sunfire & it sure wasn't an economy GM vehicle.
non of the above....i'd buy a ford lol
GTO 6.0 is the only thing that would replace my fire
Cavaclysmic wrote:Im going with the crowd and gonna say Cobalt SS, maybe the Terrain, but thats for when i have a family to haul around, which is no time soon.
I find your response interesting, blucavvy... even if money wasn't a factor, you would still drive a J? Not even for a VW or a Subaru loaded to the tits? I always thought of my Js as "lets make the most of it" kind of car. I love my cavalier, moreso than any other vehicle ive had, but I'll be the first to admit my experience with cars has been with only cheap, economy cars not really meant for mods. Not that I couldnt afford something nicer, I just didnt want to be like my friends who were stuck with endless car payments because they needed the latest and greatest. Anyway, im getting off the point. Most people on JBO would drive their Js off a pier if they had the money for something better. Not trying to come off as being a dick, but I cant decide if its because you are a J body for lifer or that working on something other than Js gives you a sense of unfamiliarity because you've had Js for so long.
I know Im probably reading into this too much, Im up too late and probably far too drunk for being on JBO. Always thought you were one of the better people on JBO, also, I'd trade cavis with you any @!#$ day hahahaha 
without a doubt. i'd probably buy a 1970'ish stingray just for a fun summer driver, but i would without a doubt stick with my j. and probably buy another if i had that much money.
I have an 87 and a 98 Cavalier that I race on a clay oval and they are both pretty good but the Cobalt that I drive on the street is my next choice. The 87 has two seperate pieces in the sub frame and the 98 is a box with one side missing. The Cobalt has a full box sub frame that should hold up a lot better than the other two.
Kenny "Poppop" Brown
Gary Frank wrote:non of the above....i'd buy a ford lol
Hmmm....I agree, I'd either get a fiesta Sedan, or a red focus coupe.... then again I might wait for the 2012 Focus to come out, that thing looks SHARP.