im thinkin of swappin my engine, i have a 1996 cavy 2.2l ohv 3sp auto. want to put a 2.4l twin 4 sp auto. what year should of the engine should be best for my cavy
96-98 would be a good bet, after 99 the injectors, egr, knock sensor setup changed, even the down pipe flange. no that these are huge problems but ease of assembly would be improved. Youll need whatever tranny it comes with as well. You may be better off doing an ecotec for the work involved, plus a good running 2.4 is hard to find and usually very expensive.
Spencer wrote:96-98 would be a good bet, after 99 the injectors, egr, knock sensor setup changed, even the down pipe flange. no that these are huge problems but ease of assembly would be improved. Youll need whatever tranny it comes with as well.
Agreed, if you can find a good one, the 96-98 is the easiest swap. All you'll need is the drivetrain, axles, computer, engine bay wiring harness and the shifter assembly. Maybe the cluster if yours has the gear indicator on it (4 speed has the extra gear of course!).
Spencer wrote:You may be better off doing an ecotec for the work involved, plus a good running 2.4 is hard to find and usually very expensive.
I dunno about that... swapping a few engine parts is way easier than gutting the entire car and swapping pretty much everything, including the fuel pump, dash, airbag module, ABS module & brake lines.... properly swapping an Ecotec into a pre-2000 car isn't a walk in the park...
i wanted to put a 2.2l eco but i heard the ld9 has more hp but im new in the whole j body thing, im doing some research to see which engine is best for my 96
thanks for the posts guys.

oh and lovin your car lenko.
Best bet for the year range of your car would be to use a 2.4L. A 2.3 would be a little more work but doable. the Eco would require a lot of work as Lenko posted. If you had a 2000+ then an Eco would be the same as a 2.4.
I would use a 2.4 but a 2000-2002 2.4. You would have a better chance of finding a good one, more cars that had them. You would need to drill and tap the knock sensor hole (not a big deal). You would need to use the wiring harness, ECU, transmission, axles, maybe a cluster from a 97--99 car with 2.4
If you are going to do a Ecotec swap then best bet is to find a donor car.
FU Tuning
sorry for bringing it back from the dead, but just to make sure, im wanting to put a supercharger on a ld9 so the best engine to get is from the 00-02, is this right,
You have a great foundation for a v6 swap, if that interest you.
- Your not-so-local, untrained, uncertified, backyard mechanic. But my @!#$ runs
The pic you linked is not a quad4 (LD9).
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Leafy wrote:The pic you linked is not a quad4 (LD9).
i think he's aware of that, that's why he said "that's why i want a 2.4".
as was just stated a v6 swap would be a good one too.
but yes for ease of finding a good running ld9 obviously the 00-02 would be better because there's more of them around that are still in decent condition.
however the 96-98 would be a little easier swap.
take your pick.
blucavvy wrote:Leafy wrote:The pic you linked is not a quad4 (LD9).
i think he's aware of that, that's why he said "that's why i want a 2.4".
as was just stated a v6 swap would be a good one too.
but yes for ease of finding a good running ld9 obviously the 00-02 would be better because there's more of them around that are still in decent condition.
however the 96-98 would be a little easier swap.
take your pick.
well i searched for a supercharger for the ld9 and they only had it for 00-02, so it would probably be best,
i would really love to put a 3400 v6, but i have a another project (cutlass supreme), so it probably have to wait, but who knows
if i find a decent 3400 ill throw it in there after i finish with my other project.
The trick with the GM supercharger.. is the reflash. But you can't apply that to a 99, or a 98, or a 96.. so simply getting an engine from a 00-02 isn't going to make it work. In fact.. while we're on that subject.. the 99 is the same as the 00-02. The reason it doesn't work... is the pre-2000 computer won't take the reflash properly.
You would need to convert your car to a 2000+ wiring harness and do all the other swapping involved, in order to run the GM supercharger with the reflash. Including swapping the ABS module and airbags, brake lines, fuel lines, etc... if you want it all to work properly. Not worth the effort, in my opinion. You won't find an LD9 with low miles anymore... better off, if you want to bolt on a GM supercharger... to get an Ecotec donor car and swap everything. Easier to find, and likely cheaper.
And then you have the problem of trying to find a GM supercharger kit!!
oh ok, i am going to swap everything, rebuild my engine and all that good stuff, but thats if i get a good decent engine. im still deciding what engine to swap so i do have time to look, thanks guys for info
With the 3400 swap you don't have to swap any electrical components. The 3400 PCM can't shift the 3 spd tranny. I used the 4t60e that came with my 3100 in my car.
- Your not-so-local, untrained, uncertified, backyard mechanic. But my @!#$ runs
Oedwards wrote:The 3400 PCM can't shift the 3 spd tranny.
it doesnt have to as the three speed isn't computer controlled.
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i dont like my 3 speed so yea im a buy the engine with the 4sp, i would probably do a v6 swap if i find a decent one.