My car runs fine @ WOT but if i hold the throttle in a steady position the revs will drop and then bounce back up and drop again then the car will die, anyone else have this problem? here's a vid of what im talkin about:
1991 Skyline GTR
1996 Sunfire
My vert had a similar problem, in my case it was a bad idle air control valve.
this is the second tps i've tried and that isnt the problem, i had the iac out and it moves in and out but i'll try another one.
1991 Skyline GTR
1996 Sunfire
check the rubber gasket arount the map sensor
checked that and tested the sensor its good, the iac motor moved kinda slow and somertimes when i put the clutch in the car will hold the revs so i think its iac
1991 Skyline GTR
1996 Sunfire
Since the computer uses the MAP to determine engine load I would lean towards it being the MAP sensor. However, a bad IAC can sometimes cause you to throw a code for a MAP sensor. So if you suspect trouble with the IAC, I would say there.
i find it amusing that SHOoff has nothing better to do but follow me around & be an unhelpful dick in even cross-forum. - Jon Mick
the iac is sticking sometimes and i have a leaky injector.
1991 Skyline GTR
1996 Sunfire
Fixed both and car runs mint now, minus bent control arm.
1991 Skyline GTR
1996 Sunfire