my uncles 2000 cavalier 4 door rear defrost isn't working and it seems all the switches are working lights up clicks when you turn it on the heater lines in the back window are good but they're is no power at the back window any ideas ?
i thought they had a problem with the ground or somthing if somebody knows about that.
Doubt its a ground... as it runs down and bolts under the passenger seat.. you can check it though.. Have you tried checking the fuses?
- Your not-so-local, untrained, uncertified, backyard mechanic. But my @!#$ runs
Pull back the carpet on the driver's side foot well, by the hood release. There's a bright green connector with a thick black or purple (can't remember, it's late and I'm tired) wire in it... check to see that it's not melted. Common problem, and that's where it usually heats up and melts.
My defrost doesn't work either but the light still comes on when I turn it on...I'll have to check by the hood release
Mine had that issue twice, both times the wiring melted. Was fixed under warranty both times and the third time the dealer "straight wired" problems in 4 years since that final fix.
YAY!! I remember hearing what the fix is, and Lenko just confirmed it. Its actually the thick purple wire running through the connector to the thick black wire. They melt in the connector just enough that it doesn't contact anymore. A straight hardwire, and now its fixed

M62, 42's, ZZP 3", ZZP S3 H/E
214whp 190wtq
Gonna have to try this with my sunfire, i've had it 2 years with no rear defrost and its getting old.
that will fix it 99.9% of the time...
I fixed this on my 95 last year... for me it wasn't the wire at the green connector, but a wire right behind the HVAC... that same purple wire just way further up the harness.
Spliced it right behind the HVAC unit and boom. Defrost again.
Took me 3 hours with a multimeter to track it down 100%.
Slowly but surely may some day win this race...
i also got another wiring question for you guys 98 sunfire right side headlight plug (plugs to the bulb) keeps melting so i changed it out to high heat harness and the same thing only the right side tho any ideas ?
under the carpet, by the left front kick panel...pulled the plug apart...cleaned the prong joining the large purple wire to the large black wire ...put the plug back together and voila...rear defog working.
Sooo..... i tore out the damn kick pannel, pulled the carpet back and low and behold. I could see a burn mark in the green connector where they purple and black wire meet. I hardwired them together, and its the first time I've owned the car where the rear defrost as worked.