Hey guys, figured i'd post this in hear....Non the less can i swap a steering column from a 95-02 into my 05? What problems will i encounter? Is the splines the same on the rack?.....Whats all involved in removing?
thanks, Gary
I've been doing some more research and it appears there's an intermediate shaft from the inside of the car to the rack....are all the intermediate shafts the same? same splines?
As far as I know the intermdiate shafts have the same ends on them. Its not splined, there are 2 flats on the rack and the column.
pretty sure its the steering wheel end thats different i thoink it fits the rack the same but a 95-02 wheel wont work
JBO since July 30, 2001
thanks guys, i'll let you know......yea that's my problem, no one makes a hub for the 03-05 for an aftermarket wheel...so i'm switching my column...I was worried something down on that end would be different....i think i'll pull the 95-02 one from the yard and also pull a 03-05 one and compare b4 i even leave the yard lol.
You will be ok, just get the intermediate shaft aswell, just incase. I have a spare one, but its a non-tilt column.