I've been noticing the last couple days when my engine is cold and i try and start my car first thing in the morning, or after it's been sitting for awhile it will make a popping noise from under the hood almost like a mini backfire of sorts. Once the engine starts it runs fine i'm thinking possibly a bent valve maybe some internal wear, it did this before then it stopped for awhile and now it's doing it again. it's a 2.2 ecotec any ideas anyone
I've surmised that my prob is probably a sticking choke/throttle,since it seems to be intermittent any ideas on the best way to deal with a sticking choke/throttle.
i would try a good ol' can of WD-40 or other similar lube all over the cables and where the lines meet the TB and brackets.
Thanks for the suggestion Phoenix, i'll try that and see what happens, btw any idea what would cause that to happen in the first place.
well what would be causing it then, i mean our cars do have a throttle of some kind don't they i think mine is sticking
thats pretty easy to check

Proud member of Jbody of Kentucky ... Click on sig to go!
well yeah it would be easy to check if i knew where to start.
hey i would check your throttle boddy as i know my butterfly valve has stuck on me one or two times. u can us a throttle boddy spray cleaner it helps it unstick
Thanks for the advice there elmo, i'm guessing the throttle body has some sort of cover on it with some screws or something in it to take it off right. i don't know about yours but on mine there's a thing under the hood says ecotec2.2 on it looks like it could be the engine block maybe that's the throttle body.
do you have an intake? or are you running stock? either way you need to remove it to get to the throttle body. once u do this u will be able to see where the butterfly valve just spray this with some throttle body cleaner and start ur engine let it idle for a lil bit and spray it down after this and the turn ur car off and reatach everything u took off
alright then nightowl, what you do is take apart the air box and remove the intake box that ataches to the engine, when you do make sure u take note of how u took it off as ur gonna put it back in reverse. but once u have it off u have access to the throttle body nd the butterfly valve. ill try and take pics of how to do this if u need. the only difference is i have custom intake instead of completley stock, but otherwise same. once u have access to this throttle body make sure to examine it and check for signs of wear. on my car i had to push the butterfly valve open with my finger b4 i was able to tell if it needed to b cleaned and what the cause of it sticking was. nothing a good throttle body cleaner cant fix
Sweet Elmo, btw you mention the air box and the intake box etc that thing next to the battery and the fuse box etc, where you put the air filter in that's not part of the throttle body is it.
thats part of the whole intake system. if u disconect the hose from the box where the filter goes and trace it back to where it goes to the engine u would have to take that all apart in order to get to the throttle body. i woulda took some pics but cant seem to find my Camera
sounds like it's quite an involved Job .
no its rather simple u just loosen the bolts that hold the intake runner tube to the air box with filter, then u undo the clamp that holds it on the other end and take that part off, then u unbolt the clamp that holds the air plenum to the throttle body, it should take u less than 5 minutes