It's been at the dealership for amonth now and they have no idea what is goin on!!! they said it was ythe headlight harness so they changed that and took my headlight conversion out
.it still isn't fixed and i'm wondering if i should take it some where else, but whatbetter place is the dealership to have the theft system fixed.
my computer won't reflash as they have treid. it won't remember the r-ciode for the theft system and i'm at the /end. does anybody have ideas, comments or any pointers as to where i can take this pos. thanks
oh yea, 99 z24 manual trans. power everything. smahed th4e front and everything has been fixed. the car worked great for about a weeek and then it strarted the theft bs after my steering wheel locked and my horn went off and i couldn't stop it. i turned the car off and the horn stopped and the wheel unlocked. ever since that the theft system goes off when i try to start the car.heeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllpppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!
I would try seeing if any of the wires coming from the ecm is cut or loose. a simple short to ground could be your problem. But i realize your car is at the dealer though.
this page might help you, take a looky and read it, if not then it was worth a try...
my car sets off the "teft system" light as well, gonna get it fixed, and my dads 99 yukon did the same thing, there is only one dealer in town here that can diagnose it, so that is where i be going
any how here is the page...
^^^^ so on that page it is in the picture, item listed as #1, the passlock cylindar that needs to be replaced...
77.8hrs of labor..........
short of 1,600$ in parts..........
for the grand total of 4200.00$ worth of repairs. they gave me a break onm the labor. an engineer had to comke and fix my car........
after the techs replaced: headlight wiring harness, sdm box, ipc, multi-function switch,ign. switch, passlock cylinder,all grounds re done, the [problem still existed until the engineer said to run all new communicatrion wire and a new pcm, she's finally fixed, all though i still have 800$ to get my car back i can't wait.
I just wanted to say thanks to all the peeps that gave me ideas.(ie:John Lenko!!!)and many others that i can't remember.but she's done and i'll post some pics of it cause this will be 16,000$ in repairs on my car.(Choke)
"Lil Brudder! He's got the heart of a champion!"
16k?! thats alot more than what ur car is worth... you shouldve just ditched the car and bought ursekf a brand new one, unless the 16k is covered under warranty, which I doubt.