I imagine not, but a friend of mine needs a motor for his 96 cavalier 2.2. Some guy he knows says he has a 2.2 from a 91-92 and that it should bolt right up, etc.. Is this true? If not, what all needs to be done to make it work?
well I just did a 93 head swap onto my 96 sunfire that haves a 2.2 you dont got to change the wiring for that just keep your 96 wiring and everything that came with your buddys 96 2.2 and also make sure you get a motor from 92 and upto a 97 bc in 1998 they switched the head differents on that.
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anybody know for sure?
I am for sure on these J Browning and if I wasnt for sure why did I do the 93 head swap onto my 96 2.2
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the 91-92 were still tbi injected I believe.
what I do know forsure, is that in 96 they were sequential fuel injection, which means the computer needed a cam sensor to know which injectors to fire.
the 91-95 did NOT have SFI, and therefore willnot work with the 96 computer
i did a 92-93 head swap on my 1996 and yes it does still work with the SFI and the computer
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why bother how much of a gain will u get?
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