I need some help with the wiring on my 96 Z24. It has an aftermarket intake manifold so Im having a really hard time finding where some plugs need to go to its so big and in the way... Any advice to get my car wired up?
RIP 3-23-05
Heres a plug I cant find... Wheres it plug into it cant be very far cause theres not much slack at all in it but I dont see where it goes.
RIP 3-23-05
That is the only connector I cant find its a 4 pin connector...
RIP 3-23-05
Have you checked to make sure you have all the connectors on your T/B . A 4 pin connector may be for your Idle Control solenoid . Is the connector in with the loom going to your injectors ? If so check the T/B to make sure everything is plugged up
If the connector is 4 pin and square 2X2 then check that you have the Oxygen sensor plugged up or your fuel tank module is plugged in . On the 2000 models like mine you have 2 Oxygen sensors in the exhaust .
Quick way to check is to fire your car up and if it dies once you let off of the gas . Then it is your Idle Control solenoid .
<a href="http://users.adelphia.net/~rdbryant1/index.html.html"><img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/mrgoodwrench/personal_pic.jpg" border=4></a>
Your alternator has a 4 prong plugs on it. That looks like a 2 prong plug. CPS?
A.15 I think your right that is a plug for the alternator . Chevy2485 are there only two wires going into that plug which go into the two center pins ? If so check your altermator
<a href="http://users.adelphia.net/~rdbryant1/index.html.html"><img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/mrgoodwrench/personal_pic.jpg" border=4></a>