When your replacing strut mounts on our cars... can you just unbolt the strut assymbly (3 bolts on tower and bolts underneath) and pull down? Or is it neccasary to take it all apart?
you have to remove the 3 bolts from the tower, the 2 bolts at the bottom, then the whole assembly comes out, then you have to take the top new off the strut (if you have stock springs you'll need a spring compressor)
nah steve you dont need a compressor, I'll help you change your mounts, it shouldnt take more than an hour, i need to change mine too
if its on stock springs then yes you need a compressor. atleast to do it the safe way. i know its possible to take off w/o a spring compressor but how are you gonna put the stock spring back on?
You HAVE TO use a spring compressor to avoid serious injury, or flying springs. SooOoOOoo unless you want certain death, I would strongly urge the use of a spring compressor. I just replaced mine when I lowered my car, those springs are compressed a lot.
Ban low-performance cars, not high-performance ones.
The rear spring are compress about 1/2", which equates to around 75lbs of force, not deadly unless you take it right in the temple (although it's not my fault if you injure yourself or someone else). The fronts are compessed a good inch, which is over 200lbs, enough to do some damage.
Just buy or rent a spring compessor. I got mine off eBay for less than $15.
Just have to keep an eye out:
eBay Spring Compressors
If you arent a moron than you should be able to take everything off and on without a compressor, i did with no problem
But if they can be had cheap i'll look into one..
I got spring compressors from Autozone through their Loan A Tool program. Put a deposit down, use the compressors, return for full refund.
<img src="http://www.webgraffiti.it/gif/smile12/smile197.gif"></img>
So how hard is it to do with the compressor? My father wanted me to just take it to mieneke and get it done, but they said they would want to check for everything that was wrong, then they wanted to change the struts with the mounts... wouldn't just do the mounts.
Don't go to little places that specialize in things. It breeds ignorance and shady practices. (Not that you can't find a good tech there, I just find it's very unlikely).
The compressor is very easy to use. If you're going to do it on any kind of regular basis, start watching eBay for a good deal. Otherwise "rent" from auto zone, napa, etc...
To use a spring compressor. Loop the hooks around the spring (one compressor on each side of the spring). Hand tighten. Then put a wrench on it (it has a nut like head to put the wrench on), and start turning, turn until it's loose between the perch and seat. Do the reverse to take it back off. Anybody can figure it out.
Really all anyone needs is some basic tools (power tools are nice though), the specialty tools (like the spring compressor), common sense (what too many people are lacking), and a lot of determination (comes in handy for those stuck bolts, may be substituted for a sledgehammer).
My dad is really smart and we have air tools now so those bolts shouldn't be too big of a problem.
a spring compressor is easy to use. if you can turn a wrench you can use a spring compressor. what is it, is basically 2 big vise grips (a thread shaft w/ 2 blocks on the end). basically you just line up the blocks on the spring, get like 3-4 coils and just tighten it down on it and as you tighten it, it will compress the springs. they usally come w/ 2 so you can have put on one side of the spring and the other on the other side.