was driving yesterday every turn I took whined. just as if there was no fluid got home checked it it was full.
drove the car this morning no whine? until I turned the wheel all the way to the left only, turning it right no whine?
is this my steering rack seals going out or maybe just air got in there some how.
Have you ever changed it? if not suck the fluid out with a turkey baster and refill with good fluid turn it lock to lock a few times and change it out again
see ya!
Mine started doing this last week. Im thinking the fluid is getting old. Replaced the pump about 2 years ago and fluid was changed then. Will flush the system when I convert to the braided ss lines.
"Oil Leak ? What oil Leak ? Oh, Thats Just The Sweat From All The HorsePower!!"
novaracer wrote:Have you ever changed it? if not suck the fluid out with a turkey baster and refill with good fluid turn it lock to lock a few times and change it out again
you sir are a genius. that is a badass idea! lol
I choose the technology built for land speed records... not the technology built to save on emissions and gas mileage.
It works you should change your psf every 30k i have always just sucked out my psf and refill every oilchange i have never had a pump fail.
see ya!
turns good to the right now just not the left ....I waited to long!!!
my original pump went about 120k.. but the pump itself didnt break, sheared off the hex drive, and for what I do not know... cause the pump still turns free.
Have a nice day.
Oh no its funny when i was a honda service tech i flushed lot of ps systems that were nasty but worked like new after.
see ya!
mine also started this yesterday. it was tough to turn, so i got home turned it from one side to the other (was tough lol) and i heard a light "click" and felt it too, and now it turns fine, im thinking somthing to do with the rack and pinion
. its had a litle click you can feel in the steering for about 6 months now when you turn it to the left.. should i try to change the fluid? i dont think its ever been done :/
click sig for my car audio videos
Anton Miller (PPC) wrote:mine also started this yesterday. it was tough to turn, so i got home turned it from one side to the other (was tough lol) and i heard a light "click" and felt it too, and now it turns fine, im thinking somthing to do with the rack and pinion
. its had a litle click you can feel in the steering for about 6 months now when you turn it to the left.. should i try to change the fluid? i dont think its ever been done :/
Yes!!! Fixed mine took about 500-1000 miles before everything was turning good again will act up here and there but better then paying for new parts right now!