my brakes seem to be sensitive to lockup in the rain. they pulsate and everything but i still go.right through intersections if im not very crazy. my light isnt on and I assume the abs works since the pedal pulsates.when I hit.them hard . but in the rain it pulsates and it still slides like its on ice. almost feels like the rear brakes aren't.working in the rain anyone have any input? thanks
Almost sounds like you have a bad wheel sensor if the ABS light is on and the brakes are sensitve.
2009 Ford Mustang V6
the light has came on twice since ive had it. both timeso when I shut the car off it went away and didnt return for awhile but it is sensitive in the rain with the light off to.
pull the abs fuse, no more problems. if your rear brakes feel delayed they may need to be adjusted.
1999 - Cavalier - 5speed - Exhaust - 17" rims - carbon fiber hood - the beater
take off ur rear tires and drums and see if the shoes are cracked at all even with tiny cracks the rear brakes get all grabby and cause the abs to come on replacing the shoes should fix it and u might as well check the wheel cylinders to see if they are leaking and i would replace the springs as well seeing as ur already there they may be worn out and they are really cheap
I did pull the fuse and the brakes feel more responsive I will also check the brakes and hardware. I dont think the wheel cylinders are bad my brake fluid has gone down. but.ill check it all .
Sounds to me youre rear brake shoes are wornout or need adjustment. How old are the wheel cyl's? they could be malfunctioning.
wheel cylinders are original . but last I looked were fine and brakes were about half way.
when u looked at the wheel cylinders did u pull off the rubber boot at each end because if there is any fluid in there the wheel cylinder is bad
one wheel cylinder was bad. so maybe now itll work right
ok so I replaced the wheel cylinder brakes work good but the abs light comes on when I pull my emergency brake. I can drive forever wont come on but when I stop and engage my end brake it kicks on as soon as I release the ebrake? any one have any ideas?