Ok, I am trying to find longer wheel studs, and I have come across a bunch of different opinions, some of us are pushing the envelope with wheels and need a solid post with lug stud info.
Factory replacement PN?
ARP Longer Replacement PN?
Possible Cross reference longer swap PN?
and I have also read that new hub assemblies have different knurl sizes? confirm?
I dont have the info, but I thought we should get it all into one Post, make a new one so it's all together and sticky it...
LE61T PTE6262 Powered
ARP's on stock wheel bearings: 100-7708 (you'll need to drill out the hubs slightly)
ARP's on national wheel bearings: 100-7717
2006 h3 exact same size everything except longer
why do the national bearings call for a different part number?
Underdog Racing
they use a different knurl diameter stud... i found that out when i ordered the f-body arp's and they slid right in instead of being a press fit.
lol well thats good to know considering i have them! thanks man.
Underdog Racing
is there an arp stud for regular length for our cars? i don't want bigger ones...just stronger ones
you could probably cut the arp's down... the f-body's aren't all that much longer than the stockers.
DSC_1304 by
rallywrx02, on Flickr
stock vs. arp f-body vs. arp evo
Dave De Stefano wrote:is there an arp stud for regular length for our cars? i don't want bigger ones...just stronger ones

Are you shearing them off?
i'm going to be getting into some amateur road racing(hell i live 20 min from pocono raceway, it would be a crime not to have some fun there) and i'm building for boost hoping to make 350-400.(its gonna be a nice build, not like the ppl on here that wanna get a small supercharger and nothing else and get 300, haha), and with the stress that the studs will be experiencing, i would rather not take chances. trust me, a couple extra bucks on some studs is nothing compared to what i'm doing with my engine or suspension. hopefully it all works out well. just gonna take a while to complete.
Dave De Stefano wrote:i'm going to be getting into some amateur road racing(hell i live 20 min from pocono raceway, it would be a crime not to have some fun there) and i'm building for boost hoping to make 350-400.(its gonna be a nice build, not like the ppl on here that wanna get a small supercharger and nothing else and get 300, haha), and with the stress that the studs will be experiencing, i would rather not take chances. trust me, a couple extra bucks on some studs is nothing compared to what i'm doing with my engine or suspension. hopefully it all works out well. just gonna take a while to complete.
?? lol who are you referring to?
A stock type replacement for the BCA/National hubs are 610-445 Dorman studs. The holes in my aftermarket hubs measured 14.19mm, the new studs are 14.48mm to compensate for the crush of the old knurl. Pushed right into the hole problem free and now i have 11-12 thread engagement instead of 4-5.
Type: Serrated Stud
Thread: M12-1.5
Knurl Dia.: 14.48mm
Length: 49.19mm
Shoulder Length: 7.14mm
Head Code:
Brand: Dorman - AutoGrade - Boxed
Application Notes:
Please select Detailed Applications
for Application Note information.
SANTA FE 2006-01, TIBURON 2007-03, XG300 2001, rear
oldskool (eco meatcake) wrote:Dave De Stefano wrote:i'm going to be getting into some amateur road racing(hell i live 20 min from pocono raceway, it would be a crime not to have some fun there) and i'm building for boost hoping to make 350-400.(its gonna be a nice build, not like the ppl on here that wanna get a small supercharger and nothing else and get 300, haha), and with the stress that the studs will be experiencing, i would rather not take chances. trust me, a couple extra bucks on some studs is nothing compared to what i'm doing with my engine or suspension. hopefully it all works out well. just gonna take a while to complete.
?? lol who are you referring to?
i'll be honest, i have no idea....i must have been tired when i wrote that, because i don't even remember writing it...
i got the 3 inch long studs. ill just cut off what i dont need

Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
How much has to be drilled for the f-body ones to work? IF there .509 and were .502 Wouldnt that make the clearance correct since there press fit?
i got mine to fit... just hammered them in

13.22 @ 105.2
so these are longer then the stock studs? and should accomodate for a 10mm spacer no problem? or are they stock size arp replacements?
ARP's on stock wheel bearings: 100-7708 (you'll need to drill out the hubs slightly)
ARP's on national wheel bearings: 100-7717
both arp part numbers are longer than stock. i took a picture of all three side by side which is posted above...
Yup just replaced all 20 last week and installed 20mm spacers you dont have to drill the hubs i didnt just used a spacer and a lugnut and pulled them in.