Anyone know where I can get a SINGLE D-Spec strut? We had to hack off half the threads on one of mine, and it's not as secure as I would like.
I see TTR and Gravana (now "urbanworx" for some reason) stock them in sets. Maybe email them to see if you can buy one? I found a thread
HERE that says Aplusperformance sells singles, but their website is down. Maybe you can call the 800 number or PM them?
yes you can call them directly with the 800 number and ask about that.

2010 Lonestar Bash 2nd place J-Body Street Class
oldskool wrote:I see TTR and Gravana (now "urbanworx" for some reason) stock them in sets. Maybe email them to see if you can buy one? I found a thread HERE that says Aplusperformance sells singles, but their website is down. Maybe you can call the 800 number or PM them?
I second that...that was my first suggestion to Jay was to give Jason a call and see what he can do. I found a few vendors online that sell the HP series, so I would assume
someone has to sell D specs individually as well...
Jay, maybe you want to put this in the NE forum as well? Might get more attention there, and maybe you'll luck out and find someone close by you can grab one from.
Aplusperformance. They've gotten me two single struts now.
I had to order 2 rears from Jason @ Aplus. He got them to me fast, I would recommend him as well.