ok i have done the neon rear dish and was needing to know the part number for the willwood valves eveyone used to keep the breaks from draging
ok i took about 45mins lol reading the how to to find out the willwood residual pressure valves I will need 2 psi Wilwood valves, part number: 260-1874
ok now my ? is would stock presser valves off the dodge intrepid work if so ill just slap them on i have the ones the junck yard gave me when i got my brake calapers
How do you know they are dragging? You sure its not your brake drum pads that are dragging? The metal backplate dragging? It takes a lot of adjustment to get just perfect. I didn't have any dragging with my conversion.
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
i know its not the backing plate i dorve the car to work so i guss ill pull it apart tomorro and see whats rubing im pritty sure its the calapers
never had dragging issues with the neon set up on my buddies and never had it with the big break kit on mine, didn't add a thing. I'd check over everything again, make sue your adjustments are right.
Yep no dragging here either.
ok after takeing it all apart and messing with the parking break 3 times i came to find out the part store sold me bent rotors so took them back swaped them for some new ones and problem fixed