Guess mine went out. Takes like 30 mins before the car even raises a bit. No leaks either. Ground controls here I come lol. This morning I went to warm up the car and air up the tank, came back and it only moved a quarter of an inch!!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Monday, October 05, 2009 7:42 AM
Guess you can give the air ride to me now.
In Loving Memory of Phil Martin December 14 2005
Alexis: Dustin, you're ghey, lol. I am better. I have tits, and tits rule all.
Boo how old is your compressor?
Compressor? Possibly a valve stuck open to. When's the last time u drained ur tank?
Haven't had the time. But its been mabe two weeks. Lol but I do have one of those things thaÞ the solinoids sit on. Slighty.
Probally got some water up in the valves and making them stick open a little leaking ur air out. Not a big problem but it does become a pain in the ass. After daily driving mine with air for about 2 1/2 years I finally got me a dependable daily car and don't worry bout it not working every morning.
I ment to say that the rear passanger "down" valve stem is a bit bent. Could it be that the rubbet stopper on the stem is stuck open?ill check every thing when I get home. Try to drain it first. Because the compressor does work smoothly for the mosy part.
I had that same problem whn i first strated the air ride thing, I was able to straighten it out so it worked ok. Take it apart and clean it to be sure. Or replace it, $31 for a new SMC 3/8.
Ill try that. But either way the air is comming out. I want to remote mount the valves.and redo the air lines.need to make room for my audio lol. It looks sloppy at the moment and I don't like it.
Yeah just take the valves apart and clean them really good. While u have them out empty ur tank. Ever since I switched to Big Red valves I have had no problems, but there not cheap, $700 bout the cheapest u can get them
ended up having a major crack somehow on the leader hose from the compressor. but it was at the tank end. also i tried to connect the compressor to the right rear bag, didnt even budge lol. so i put my hands on the open end of the compressor, and low and behold no AIR! so now i need a new one.
Hmm, that's weird that you would have a cracked line and the compressor quit on ya at the same time. How long did ya let it run when you were trying to figure the problem out? Is the compressor running and just not putting out air? Usually when they go out they don't even kick on. I've had 2 of mine go out over the years and i just take them apart and clean them out real good and them work fine after that. If it runs and isn't putting out air then i would say it's time for a new compressor or a rebuild kit. If you go for a new one i would reccomend the air zennith compressors. Next time one of mine goes out that's what i plan on going with.
you can buy rebuild parts for those just so ya know.
Yepp...what Andrew said, you can buy replacement leader hoses, and rebuild kits that come with a new piston, rings, and rod. Unbolt the compressor head and swap them out.,
its official air is out.. lol will return most likely after winter. need to plan out my trunk setup.