I have the new ez street frt struts on my car now for about 5 months know i drive my car every day and i parked layed out all the time. now
today when i drop the frt my right side strut goes down very slowly, and than it wouldnt go down so i pulled my air line off the bag and its still holding air in the bag but leaking out very very slow. So i pulled the strut out of the car and of course u cant pull the bag of the strut, i pulled the bag off that the strut rod would go inside the bag and i found oil and every thing inside so i dumpped it all into a pull so i know a seal went or something, as i started pour out the oil chunks of rubber started to fall out from inside the bag which looks like a seal or something, so i;m guess that part of the rubber is stuck up in the port area, which must be a big rubber to hold that air inplace of the bag.
So has any one else had this problem with the new style struts? another thing to i was looking into get the dbl bollow bag style for the frt and i was wondering if the alreo frt streets from ez street will work? i would think so since our strut would bolt on to there knuckles.
thanks every one.
well yesturday the strut just quite on my and here are some pics of went happened to the strut.
this is what came out of the strut.
this is the upper part of the bag plate .
and the strut leaking and wont go back up.
i have only been driving on this for 5 months.
i called and left a message and also emailed Jeremy Hart on the weekend so i havnt heard anything back yet which i hope they call me or email back soon cause this sucks i only had them on the car for 5 months and there is no reason it should be like this. my other frt strut is fine nothing wrong with it.