Hello, I am need some advice. I am in the middle of converting my crapppppy stock cavalier brakes into the new cobalt ss/tc brembos. Number 1 : Where can i find some camber caster plates made for the cavalier or the cobalt? 2 : Does anyone know where i can find some good poly bushings? and 3: Has anyone ever done this yet? So if anyone knows any info about this stuff it would be greatly appreciated.
Please dont tell me to use the search button.
your wasting your time on the brakes
1 - McMoney camber plates for a cavalier or Tien SS suspension for a cavalier.... seeing as you have a CAVALIER cobalt suspension parts really aren't going to help
2- for what?
3- done what? coverted to cobalt brakes, put cavi camber plates on, put cobalt camber plates on a J, found or installed bushings?
I get the impression you have no idea what your doing.
I second that impression.....
If you want big brakes Dark stars has a front big brake kit he is selling however if you don't know what you are doing then he may not sell them to you. Sorry Stars. Second if you searched you would find a great deal of info on poly bushings and there are tons of camber choices best is as previously stated go with Mcmoney's if you can get them.
I shall third the impression of I really think you don't know what you are doing and I know nothing compared the two that posted before me.
The proper way of using the word seen. It is not I seen it that would be I saw it. He has seen the car is the right way to use the word. English class is Cool. By the way thats my sig
Most people, with half a brain, would have looked into all this info BEFORE starting a swap this adventurous...

14.330 @ 96.37mph
hey hey.....dont get butt hurt.
Those are all valid responces to your questions.
for #1, you asked for suspension parts for a cavalier OR COBALT.
#2 since you seem to be doing some type of cobalt/cav monster mash.....we dont know what application you are looking for....cav or cobalt.
#3 has anyone done THIS??? its a tad open, try being more specific we have no idea what you were asking about.
In general thought, it sounds like you think the cav's and balts are interchangable, and they are not.
This is not going to be some type of afternoon bolt on.....
I think you need to go back to the drawing board on this, there are plenty of off the shelf brake kits available for our cars, but remember that if you dont know what you are doing, taking on somthing this adventerous on such an important system on your car for safety purposes.....may not be the best idea.
Andrew Anderson wrote:Hello, I am need some advice. I am in the middle of converting my crapppppy stock cavalier brakes into the new cobalt ss/tc brembos. Number 1 : Where can i find some camber caster plates made for the cavalier or the cobalt? 2 : Does anyone know where i can find some good poly bushings? and 3: Has anyone ever done this yet? So if anyone knows any info about this stuff it would be greatly appreciated.
Please dont tell me to use the search button.
The Cavalier/ Sunfire are built around the J-body platform. The Cobalt/ G5 is built on the Delta platform. Both are very different though upon looking or glancing at the two may look quite similar.
On the Caster plates, there are non as caster is not adjustable at all with our cars. Camber plates are only available from McMoney and the availability of those are very rare indeed. Like was mentioned, the Tein Super Sports are your best bet because they come with pillow ball mounts which replace the standart strut mounts while also having built in camber plates for the front.
GravanaTuning.com, TurboTechRacing.com, and CarCustoms.net are the only sources that have both control arm bushings available. All the mentioned business are great people to purchase from so it's your choice.
Maybe this will better answer your question.
And I agree with the rest of everbody, some research would have found you these answers but I personally don't mind answering.
Good luck with your project and your car.
Newbie member since 1999
Thank you Dave and JBO! 

Andrew Anderson wrote:Wow. @!#$ this site
heh. I kinda feel a little ashamed about it, but this post really amused me.
Some noobs make it... and some just don't, eh?
and he wasn't even that harsh, lol.
$50 at target-- every NOOB should have one!!