well it does make a clanking noise when Im going slow and hit some bumps but,I priced the replacement struts and strut mounts and it came close to $600,does this sound right?I just bought some falken ziex($460 installed),and I took the car to a local place and asked them to do an alignment and about 3 hours later they said that all four struts and strut mounts were bad,and he said he wouldn't aline the front end because I would have to end up doing it again when I get new struts.Now I don't have the money now for struts,And don't want my tires to were uneven from not being allined,now what would you all suggest,Any thoughts would help......
13.520 @ 98mph! 220whp 234tq
tell him to just go align it anyway, its what you are paying him for! No matter whether or not you are buying struts now, or in a week, you should be getting what you pay for, which is a 4 weel alignment.
yeah.Well the car stays straight on the road and the steering wheel is straight when the the front wheels are.But that doesnt nesisarily mean the camber/caster,toe in/and toe out,are right does it?
13.520 @ 98mph! 220whp 234tq
go to ntb..as much as i hate them they have a time alignment plan. so get them aligned now and if you buy the one year plan. in a year when you have money for struts and shocks the alignemnt is free.
My car may run 18s, but I can do your taxes in 10 seconds flat.
JBO lube - they would never have enough in stock and we'd never see RodimusPrime again