how fast would you buy a set of AGXs for if the price is 440$ for the set brand new?
wonderin if i should buy em now or wait a little.. but if i wait the price might go up..
whats a good setting with the pro kit for those of you who have them?

12.33 @ 111.67 mph [Oct 2009]
Dyno'd on 08/02/09 - Mustang Dyno:
327.6 WHP 333.6 WTQ [10.1 AFR]
from where? its an ok price, ive seen lower with a warranty but it wasnt much lower
wow i had no idea they were that expensive, id spend the extra for yellows or d-specs.

Wanting a nice set of black 17's with mint tires? Pm me.
ive seen them sell for usually 350-380
EBAY ftw! 350 a set. No warrenty, but if you dont abuse them they should last forever anyways.
StrippedCav98 (Now Quotable) wrote:ive seen them sell for usually 350-380
where at?
all the usual performance sites have them for over 500, and im not spending over 500 for AGXs, if i wanted to spend more than 500 i would go with D-specs. carquest was even expensive for them.. lol
so if you know where to get em besides ebay for 350-380, let me know
otherwise ill probably buy them for 440 in a week or so.

12.33 @ 111.67 mph [Oct 2009]
Dyno'd on 08/02/09 - Mustang Dyno:
327.6 WHP 333.6 WTQ [10.1 AFR]
I picked up my D-Spec kit there for $699 (shocks and springs), although that was a little while ago.
<EDIT> Just checked both my old invoice and the current price, both $699 + shipping.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edited Saturday, March 08, 2008 7:43 PM
2002 Sunfire -->
- Ractive steering wheel
- ASA 17" EM9 + Nexen N5000 215/45/17 (steelies for winter)
- D-Spec Lowering kit @ 1.4" (issues currently

- Rockford P250.1 + MTX MZS1004 + Panasonic CQ-C8313U head unit
- Barely legal tint.
I would love to know where you get these at such a low price. is $519/set.
eBay duh. They're on there constantly for $380 shipped.
steve white wrote:EBAY ftw! 350 a set. No warrenty, but if you dont abuse them they should last forever anyways.
I recommend not buying any struts off of anyone on ebay that doesn't offer a certified warranty from KYB. i got pretty much @!#$ over for that when one of mine blew on me.
I'm back from the dead.
Currently Driving: RSX Type-S.
My Cavalier Burnt up :-(
i went off and got some d-specs. 440 was from tire rack for the agx, it would have came out to 475 around shipped, so i went with 519 free shipping from for the d-specs

12.33 @ 111.67 mph [Oct 2009]
Dyno'd on 08/02/09 - Mustang Dyno:
327.6 WHP 333.6 WTQ [10.1 AFR]